How to get near god (without religion)
Discover the liberating power of divine guidance—open your heart to the universe's infinite love and support.
In today’ world the four main religions ( Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, and Christianity) claim to hold ‘the truth’; but if we were in another time and place we might have been praying to god Zeus or to god and goddesses. This shows that spirituality is deeply personal. Whatever God names you prefer—Yahweh, Allah, Buddha or else—what matters the most is that you are open to calling him.
I was born and raised in a ‘ religious organisation’, a cult-Jehovah's Witness. Out of my 17 years in the movement, my main takeaway is that people tend to interfere between your relationship with the divine much more than what they contribute to it; They label your behaviours as a saint or unholy based on how well you follow the imposed script they have for you and your life. Well such behaviours, have nothing to do with the essence of god.
Unfortunately, due to their own limiting beliefs, family abuse and religious trauma most people are extremely narrow minded when it comes to god.
Let’s debunke some of the most popular false ideas people have when it comes to god to help you reframe your mindset and embrace your power- as if nobody told you, you were made at the image of god.
God’s Nature
Imagine THE most understanding, patient, considering and loving person you know.
Now multiply that by a million. The kindness, magnanimity of the creator of life is way above our wildest dreams. We all have different social life, and friends come and go. Human relationships can be painful and erratic at times. However, there will never be a "friendship breakup" between the divine and your spirit guides.
Verse: Malachi 3:6 ‘ For I the lord do not change”
Affirmation: " I know that the universe already supported me in the past and I have faith it will continue to loves me with an infinitely and unconditionally."
Is there a way you can remind yourself of God's mastery and loving presence in your life?
Debunking Common Misconceptions
‘ Money is the root of all evil’.
Well, money amplify who you are at core. With or without money, if helping is what you really want to do, you'll find a way. Poverty does not imply holiness; rather, it frequently leads to dependency. While some affluent people might represent evil, not all wealthy people are bad. Your value is not determined by your bank account, but rather by the core of your beliefs.
Verse: Ecclesiastes 5:19- ‘Moreover, when God gives someone wealth and possessions, and the ability to enjoy them, to accept their lot and be happy in their toil—this is a gift of God.’
Affirmation:"Money is a tool that helps me express my divinity more fully".
Reflection: If you allowed yourself to see your privileges as tool for good rather than as something to be ashamed of, how would your life change?
‘God is testing you”
Never. The devil might be testing you, but god perfectly knows what you are able to do. He installed the program in your heart while people around you might have tried to de-program you away from your true self. Sometimes life situation or people act as virus interfering with our abilities. You need to ask yourself, who are you uninterrupted by the voice around you.
Verse: Jeremiah 29:11 – "For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Affirmation:"I trust in the divine plan for my life. Every challenge I face is an opportunity for growth, not a test of my worth."
Reflection: What beliefs or voices are interrupting your ability to see your true potential? How can you silence them to hear God more clearly?
The garden of eden
A symbol of Paradise, which is nothing else but the presence of god everywhere, every time. You have already tasted paradise pretty much everytime that you are deeply happy and embracing your life- this energy is your connection to the divine.
Verse: Philippians 4:8 – "Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."
Affirmation: "Heaven is a state of mind. Every moment of joy and peace is a reflection of my divine connection."
Reflective Question:
When was the last time you felt deeply happy and at peace?
Living a Spiritual Life In 2024
There are different ways to reach the divine.
Immerse yourself in nature: If communicating with an unseen force is difficult for you, think about interacting with nature; we are the planet of water and water is not only vital it also carry vibration. Talk to the elements around you; everything has a function, and the natural world can help you rediscover who you really are. Every cell in your body is aware of its purpose and place; all you have to do is listen.
Affirmation: "I am one with nature, and through its rhythms, I rediscover my divine purpose.”
Reflective Question:
How can you spend more time in nature to reconnect with your true self and the divine energy around you?
Pray: No matter where you are, you can speak to your spirit guide. There is nothing they do not know, they just want to hear it from you. So if you need money, don’t ask for money; ask for an idea and the wisdom and strength to give life to your vision. If you need to relieve anxiety, ask him to fill you of his pure energy, as peace and confidence are his baseline. Praying means being true to yourself. You don’t need to show the world how vulnerable you are if you are afraid they might use your weaknesses against you. But you do need to be authentic when adressing the divine because it responds to the vibration of truth.
Verse: Matthew 11:28-30-Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in.
Affirmation: "Knowing that I have nothing to hide, I am open to sharing how I feel with the universe."
How might you make your connection to God's plan for you stronger by taking one tiny step today?
Stop Procrastinating. God is a god of instantaneity. He speaks and light comes to exixtence. Doubt, procrastination are tools of the devil to delay your blessings. You need to see god as your GPS. If you take a wrong turn, the voice doesn’t insult you, telling you how much you don’t listen; it simply reroutes you. God is like this too, always ready to show you another best way leading you exactly where you want to go. There is nothing to wait for, life is already unfolding, and as you are being fully present, engaged in your life experience, god will show you the way.
Verse: Proverbs 3:5-6 – "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths."
Affirmation: Every action I take is a component of my divine quest.
Reflection: In what areas of my life do I put things off?
Act of service: Sometimes we have great reason to be sad, sometimes we need to stop feeling sorry for ourselves. Serving others shows you how to be the divine presence in the lives of those around you and enables you to also recognise the blessings already in your life that you might overlook. Charity work can sometimes be the most effective way to rediscover your purpose. Reframing thinking patterns through helping others without expecting anything in return also instills appreciation and sovereignty in your life.
Verse: Matthew 25:40 – "Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me."
Affirmation: "I become a divine presence in the lives of others by serving them. As I am helpful to people around me, my purpose becomes clearer."
Who in your life might gain from a deed of generosity or assistance?
Reframing obstacles: When despair seeps into your life and life seems too much to handle, step back. How long should you grieve over a failed relationship or a job loss? Your emotional journey is entirely up to you to decide. You are the only person able to determine for how long crying over a breakup is reasonable. God doesn’t want to guilt trip you, he just wants you happy.
Verse: Philippians 4:13 – "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
Affirmation: "I am able to decide how I will react to difficulties."
Reflection: For what length of time do you wish to cling to past hurts?
Let Go and trust the divine: When you encounter resistance, it usually means there is a easier way waiting for you to discover it. Not all obstacles are an invitation to ty harder, sometimes it means letting go.
Verse: Psalm 16:11 – You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.
Affirmation: I release control and have faith in the divine timings of my life."
What might happen if you chose to let go and put your faith in the universe happiness plan?
In summary, not only is it possible to find God outside of religion, but also incredibly liberating.
Accept your path, look for happiness in the outdoors, and within your soul
Your purpose is waiting to be acknowledge: you are a unique divine being.
Not following your parent religion or being the first one developing a spirituality, can make you feel like you have been locked out of Heaven, yet god is for all and it is only a matter of time for you to embrace your own sense of divinity- and who knows, maybe even showing the way for more people to be they true self.
Everything around you as an origins, a purpose, a place. So do you.
Ready for your Spiritual breakthrough?
If you're ready to move past limiting beliefs, book a clarity call to discuss the next step of your personal spiritual journey.
I also provide personalised coaching programs intended to assist you in overcoming fear-based thinking and religious trauma to re-establish a connection with your true divine self.
We work together to discover your purpose, highlighting your qualities and gifts to create a prosperous life in alignment with your true self.
Get in touch with me right now to start your spiritual journey and discover your inner divine power!