KoldenFruit Membership

Welcome to the KoldenFruit Chakra Nutrition Wellness Membership, created to energise your body, mind and spirit through specialised programs and transforming courses. A variety of online support and virtual services are available to you, and we love having you as part of our community.

There is a membership tier that is appropriate for every step of your holistic health journey, and these three allow a smooth transition from basic wellness support to in-depth personal coaching. Our services are designed with an emphasis on holistic nutrition, emotional intelligence, travel and spiritual awakening in order to empower you on your wellness path. Access to workshops, coaching and consultations

Chakra Foundation
Every month
Every year

Weekly nutrient-rich recipes, self-care challenges, daily affirmations, and monthly workshops can enhance your wellness journey and body energy flow feel. With your Chakra foundation, use food to balance your chakras: get useful tips and special recipes based on transformative spiritual energy to create your customised self-care regiment. Save £70 with yearly subscription.

✓ Weekly Chakra smoothie recipe email
✓ Weekly Self-Care Challenges
✓ Monthly workshop or live Q&Actualise your life
✓ Monthly access to Chakras tutorials video
✓ Special discounts on future programs and e-books
Chakra Inner Balance
Every month
Every year

Get the Chakra Foundation's benefits, plus a wellness programme specifically designed to address your chakra imbalances; includes individualised meal plans, access to special video content, and quarterly one-on-one online chats. Master your diet and energy levels with an alternate support approach combining community and individual sessions. Perfect for people who want a little bit of both guidance and independence. Save £154 with yearly subscription.

✓ All benefits from the Chakra Foundation membership
✓ 1:1 Online Optimised Chakra Wellness plan every 3 month
✓ Weekly meal plans and grocery lists
✓ Weekly Video guidance to balance chakras through diet
✓ Exclusive access to video bonus (recipe, guide & meditation)
Personal Coaching- Mastery Alignment
Every month
Every year

Our most complete membership, which includes monthly individualised coaching and spiritual development classes. Start with an Initial 1:1 online session to assess your chakra blockages, discuss your dietary preferences and create your custom wellness plan together. Track your progress and reach your optimal wellbeing with the support of a personal coach helping you elevating your overall lifestyle. Save £600 with yearly subscription.

✓ All benefits from Chakra Balance Subscription
✓ Custom Courses for Personal Development & Spiritual Healing
✓ Monthly Personalised Nutrition Coaching
✓ Monthly Wellness Goals Setting & Celebrate Achievements
✓ Annual wellness consultation and chakra health plan

Distinctions between the subscriptions.

  • ChakraFoundation:

    Chakra Foundation focuses on offering fundamental support through weekly recipes, self-care challenges, and monthly workshops. Learn how to balance your chakras through diet with useful information that you can study on your own to create your bespoke self-care routine. Enhance your wellness journey and body energy flow with our program uncovering the secret of your chakras. Access to weekly chakra smoothie recipes, self-care challenges, monthly workshops and live Q&A sessions for transformative spiritual energy, with your Chakra foundation.

    Save £70 with yearly subscription.

  • Chakra Inner Balance:

    During your initial personal consultation, we explore your chakra imbalances in order to create a wellness programme uniquely tailored to your needs and goals. For people who desire independence but occasionally need one-on-one assistance to help you remain on course and reach your objectives. Chakra Inner Balance provides the ideal balance of self-sufficiency and supportive community assistance. Start with your 1:1 Online Chakra Wellness plan, introducing you to your program with meal plan optimised every 3 month. Take advantage of regular private online session, Personalised Chakra advice and dietary suggestions to meet your wellness objectives.

    Save £154 with yearly subscription.

  • Personal Coaching-Mastery Alignment:

    The most complete option is Mastery Alignment, which provides ongoing coaching and personal support to nourish healthy habits everyday. Start with an Initial 1:1 online session assessing your chakra blockages, dietary preferences and creating your custom wellness plan together. All the advantages of the Chakra Inner Balance membership are included, plus personalised online classes, monthly private counselling, specially designed courses for spiritual healing and your personal growth. Elevate your lifestyle with monthly 1-1 online coaching, at your own rhythm and according to your personal needs. Our ongoing support enables goal setting with follow-up, to track your progress toward your wellness objectives and to celebrate your achievements together.

    Save £600 with yearly subscription.

What do you do?

Uncover and overcome your obstacles through your personal workshops, courses and 1-1 coaching program.

  • Energy alignment: 1-1 coaching, workshops, chakra assessment and nutritional meal plan feeding your energy centres to prevent any potential deficiencies, energy leak or blocages.

  • Better Eating habits: Recognise the energy influence of your diet on how you feel.

  • Spiritual Education: Teachings on inner child healing, generational trauma, divine feminine, divine masculine energy.

  • Comprehensible Wellness: Guidance for personal development to nurture yourself, with food, emotional intelligence, and spirituality.

  • Absolutely! Our Membership is made to help people from all walks of life. You will receive guidance to support you on your path to self-discovery.

    Our program is tailored according to your needs for a long-lasting shift even after your membership ends, ensuring problem solving skills and success.

    Release limiting beliefs, manage stress and gain trust in yourself through your membership. We support you in reframing your mind into an abundant mindset ‘ the lucky syndrome’.

  • With our personal coaching program, your energy centres are evaluated and balanced by our experts focusing on your blocages and limiting beliefs that might require nurturing to heal.

    Chakra Assessment is an 'energy check' procedure to tailor your nutritional meal plan according to your needs.

  • Our personal coaching program provides transformational tools, articles, videos that you can put in practical use in your everyday life.

    Benefit from monthly 1:1 personal online Coaching, talking with a KoldenFruit nurturer highlighting your emotional intelligence, abundant mindset, positive attitude, resilience, wisdom and resourcefulness when dealing with conflicts and challenges.

    Feel more grounded, energised and in alignment to accomplish your goals. Track your progress thanks to the program's personalised coaching approach

    We recommend tracking your progress on 6 month to a year minimum to appreciate your evolution and track your progress; yet you can opt out anytime!