The throat chakra

Vishuddha is the fifth energy point found in the neck’s midsection. Throat chakra is associated with the thyroid gland, fluid self-expression and peaceful communication.

When in alignment, you can communicate clearly, listen compassionately and speak with confidence. Problems with the voice and throat, as well as any issues with the mouth, teeth or gums can all be signs of a blockage.

The throat chakra is represented Blue, symbolising tranquillity; The Throat can be supported by blue coloured food (such as seaweed, Indigo Milk Cap, blue tomato, berries, Blueberries, elderberries, blue potatoes, lavender, blue basil and more) and iodine-rich foods.

  • Being silenced, ignored, or invalidated, experiencing verbal abuse, or feeling unable to express oneself authentically are traumas that can impact your throat chakra.

  • Fear of speaking up, difficulty expressing oneself, lack of authenticity, poor communication can be signs of Throat chakra blocages.

    Additionally, oversharing, dominating conversations, gossiping or speaking without thinking can be signs of over activated Throat chakra leading to misalignment.

  • Inhibited self-expression, self-doubt, fear of judgment, feeling unheard or misunderstood.

Thyroid Gland

The thyroid gland, which is found in the neck, is important for controlling metabolism and different energy levels because it produces thyroid hormones: The vocal system's muscles and tissues are affected by thyroid hormones in terms of how well they work. By getting regular checkups from a doctor, your thyroid function can be monitored.

Selenium and iodine are vital trace elements that are necessary for many body processes, such as thyroid function and antioxidant defence.

Although they're not usually the highest in these minerals, some fruits and vegetables do have significant concentrations. Here are some source of fruits and vegetables that can supply selenium and iodine:


  • Seaweed (Kelp, Wakame, Nori):One of the best naturally occurring sources of iodine is seaweed, especially kelp. It can be eaten as a snack or added to soups and salads.


  • Brazil nuts have a very high selenium content. All you need to meet the daily requirement is one or two nuts per day. They can be added to different cuisines or consumed as a snack.

Taking mineral supplements can help you get the minerals you need each day.

Benefits for Thyroid

  • Iodine: Required for the synthesis of thyroid hormones, which control growth, development, and metabolism.

  • Selenium: Promotes thyroid health and immune system performance while acting as an antioxidant to shield cells from harm.

Reduce Neck Line

Skincare shouldn’t stop at the face! Often overlooked (and under-sunscreened), the skin on your neck & decolletage reveal the first signs of aging.

Reverse time by reducing lines and get ready to rock that strapless dress.

  • Red Light Neck Enhancer doses these delicate neck areas with red and near-infrared (NIR) light: two powerful wavelengths known to regenerate skin cells, stimulate collagen, diminish fine lines, reduce redness, boost your mood, and activate glowing skin.

    Add this powerful, portable décolletage device to your radiance rituals.

  • -Reduces fine lines & wrinkles

    -Boost collagen & elastin

    -Reduces redness & boosts mood

    -Relaxes muscles & eases pain

Vibration & Vocal System

vibrational energy of the voice is central to the Throat Chakra, influencing how we resonate with the world around us.

The vocal cords, larynx (voice box), and related muscles make up the vocal system: It is in charge of modulation and voice creation. Maintaining the structures in the oral cavity, such as the teeth, gums, tongue, and soft tissues, requires good oral health. These structures are essential for speech articulation and pronunciation.

  • Hydration: Staying well-hydrated is crucial for vocal cord health.

  • Vocal Warm-ups Chanting Mantras: Regular warm-ups can prevent strain and injury. Regular practice of chanting can enhance vocal vibrations.

  • Herbal Remedies: Natural remedies can soothe and heal the vocal cords.


  • Public Speaking: Engaging in public speaking or voice training can enhance communication skills.

  • Therapeutic Techniques: Speech therapy or coaching can improve verbal expression.

    Specific exercises and programs can help you improve your tone of voice and confidence.

Retreats to Flow

  • Adult Surf yoga retreat

    7 Day Bodhi 'Adult Surf + Yoga Camp' in Costa Rica

    Designed for travellers who want to disconnect from their routine and spend time “recharging their batteries” in Bahia Ballena — a quaint community with vast, sandy beaches, and stunning viridescent scenery.

    Meet new people, make many new connections and wonderful memories return home feeling physically fit and mentally rejuvenated. Surf, stretch, breathe, and sweat while learning about the environment, engaging with the community, and having lots of fun! From £1,404

  • Yoga Hiking retreat

    8 Day Recharging 'Yoga and Hiking' retreat in Fuerteventura, Spain

    Recharge and reset in the beautiful surroundings of Fuerteventura, the island of sandy beaches, turquoise waters, magnificent volcanoes, and never-ending summer.

    There is no better way to start off the day than with morning yoga on the beach! The instructor adjust to your needs, so her classes are suitable for beginners and intermediate practitioners alike. Gentle flow with yin elements. From £1,048

  • Fitness & Yoga Retreat

    15 Day 'Reborn' Weight Loss Retreat in Thailand

    Settle in for two weeks at this Fitness & Yoga retreat, embracing a holistic and personalised approach to health and fitness. Harness your body's innate ability to cleanse itself naturally through a harmonious blend of whole foods, nutritious smoothies, the nourishing sun, invigorating yoga, and purposeful exercise.

    A dedicated team is committed to harmonising your mind, body, and spirit. Receive the healthiest fuel, a daily dose of toxin-releasing exercise, all complemented by yoga sessions and a serene pool for your relaxation and rejuvenation at your own pace. From £769


Chemo-sensory health, including taste and smell, is linked to the Throat Chakra and encompasses overall sensory perception.

  • Aromatherapy: Essential oils can enhance sensory experiences and support chakra health.

  • Taste Exploration: Experimenting with different tastes can heighten sensory awareness.

Mitigation of EMF-induced Chakra and Meridian Imbalances/Dysfunctions

By the Harmoni Pendant

By activating and wearing a Harmoni pendant, a non-electronic wearable device, there was a significant improvement in measured indices of Chakras and Meridians.

  • As we strive for holistic approaches to improve human health, our exposures to electromagnetic fields (EMF) remain as one of the major barriers in that pursuit. Imbalance in energy pathways in the body is increasingly recognized as a precursor of stress and poor health, and as an avenue for therapeutic intervention in alternative as well as in conventional medicine. In this context, the current clinical trial evaluated the effect of a brief EMF exposure on the energy fields of seven major Chakras and 12 principal Meridians. EMF exposure dysregulated all of the seven Chakras and 10 out of the 12 Meridians resulting in a significant decline in the post-exposure evaluations compared to that of the pre-exposure baseline. By activating and wearing a Harmoni pendant, a non-electronic wearable device, there was a significant improvement in measured indices of Chakras and Meridians. Following the pendant activation, even in the presence of the EMF-stressor, there was up to 475% increase in Chakra function where six out of the seven chakras were completely recovered from their EMF-induced decline and registered a greater improvement over that of their baseline with a significant net gain. Additionally, the Harmoni pendant also improved all of the 12 Meridians fully compensating their EMF-induced decline, registering a sharp increase over their baseline values. In sum, results from this study clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of Harmoni pendant in balancing EMF-induced energy center dysfunctions and in managing sub-clinical stresses as a novel approach to advance bioenergetic health and wellbeing. 

  • These Chakras with their functional associations are as following:

    Sahasra (Crown) chakra- Consciousness and Peaceful

    Ajna (Third Eye) chakra- Intuition and Perception

    Visudha (Throat) chakra- Creativity and Self expression

    Anahata (Heart) chakra- Warmth and Compassion

    Manipura (Solar Plexus) chakra- Strength and Assertiveness

    Svadhisthana (Sacral) chakra- Enthusiasm for Life and Pleasure

    Muladahara (Root) chakra- Foundation of energy body and Stabilization

    Imbalance in the Chakra energy pathway is known to cause myriad of physical and mental health problems and a number of interventions have been used to put them into balance, including yoga, meditation, and sound, aroma, color and crystal therapies have been practiced in both Eastern and Western hemispheres

    It is generally accepted that the Chakra energy system is associated with the endocrine glands and neural centers of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). A balanced interaction between the Pineal, Pituitary, Hypothalamus, Thyroid, Thymus, Adrenal, Pancreas and Gonads is essential for optimal chakra functions and is deeply connected with the parasympathetic or “rest and digest” arm of the ANS. Therefore, it is plausible that measurement of ANS anomalies can be used to decode the imbalances in Chakra functions and Meridians.

  • Meridians, on the other hand, as described in traditional Chinese medicine, are energy pathways in the body and are anatomically aligned with major internal organ systems [15-18]. Meridians are also referred to as “Acupoints” as they can be stimulated by needling, pressure and heat treatment for clinical relief in alternative therapy [19, 20]. As Professor John C. Longhurst, MD, PhD, a pioneer in acupuncture hypertension research has reviewed the meridians are sophisticated stimulation centers and can serve as a doorway to bioenergetic healing [19].

    There are 12 principal Meridians recognized in the body as below: 

    Meridian of the Heart

    Meridian of the Small Intestine

    Meridian of the Bladder

    Meridian of the Kidney

    Meridian of the Pericardium

    Meridian of the Triple Heater

    Meridian of the Gallbladder

    Meridian of the Liver

    Meridian of the Lung

    Meridian of the Large Intestine

    Meridian of the Stomach

    Meridian of the Spleen and Pancreas

    Stimulation of meridians have been widely and successfully used in the management of musculoskeletal pain in the realm of alternative medicine where up to 70% of patients respond to acupuncture [20]. Since Meridians and Chakras represent apparatus for energy flow, there is a considerable functional overlap between them as these two systems work more in tandem than in isolation. In this context, a review on the nature of life energy as referred to as “Qi”, “Ki”, “Dosha”, “Prana”, “Mana”, “Etheric energy”, “Fohat”, “Orgone”, “Odic force”, “Homeopathic resonance”, “Quantum electrodynamics” etc in various literature.