gut health solar plexus

Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)

The ‘ seat of the vital force’, is located in your stomach area and associated with the body Gland pancreas, governing the digestive system and gut health.

The Solar Plexus represents personal power, self-confidence willpower and igniting your inner fire.

You may enhance your inner fire and improve your digestion system with a metal detox a healthy complex coby harmonising this energy centre.

  • Spiritual Level: Personal power, confidence, and inner strength.

  • Emotional Level: Self-esteem, self-worth, and emotional balance.

  • Physical Level: Digestion, metabolism, and energy.

  • Nutrition: Foods rich in complex carbohydrates (pre-biotics & probiotics / natural digestive enzyme / fermented foods).

Solar Plexus Healing

Keeping a healthy Solar Plexus Chakra and general wellness requires a diet rich in fermented foods, probiotics, prebiotics alongside heavy metal cleansing paired to your parasite detox; Exposure to the environment, contaminated food, and water are common sources of heavy metals.

Gut Health, probiotics and pre-biotics

Gut Health: Because gut health affects digestion, nutrition absorption, and the immune system, it is critical for general wellness. A robust digestive system is necessary for the effective breakdown and absorption of nutrients, and it is supported by a balanced gut flora.

A fibre-rich diet containing both soluble and insoluble fibres, Digestive Enzymes (essential for nutrient absorption and food digestion), probiotics (living, beneficial bacteria) and pre-biotics (dietary fibres that probiotics use for energy) assist support general digestive health by nourishing good bacteria in the gut.

Prebiotics and probiotics must be balanced with carbohydrates in order to support the Solar Plexus Chakra and intestinal health.


Live beneficial bacteria found in fermented food, promoting intestinal well-being.


Type of fibres often found in complex carbohydrates that nourish good microorganisms in the digestive system.

Balanced Intake

A healthy gut microbiome is encouraged by including both probiotics and prebiotics in your diet.

Retreats to detox:

Metal detox

Suffering from weight gain, poor sleep, fatigue, brain fog, acne, increased hunger and cravings, mood problems and irritability, joint pain, acid reflux/poor digestion, hypertension, diabetes, premature aging, or high cholesterol?

Our parasite & metal cleanse is perfect for you, as all these are symptoms that you might need to do a parasite cleanse.

  • Detox Techniques: Metal detox can be facilitated by chelation therapy, certain supplements, and dietary changes.

  • Preventive Measures: You can lessen your exposure to heavy metals by using water filters and selecting organic produce.