Sacral Chakra
Creative Flow & Passion
Sacral chakra, Svadhisthana is the centre of intimacy and emotions; it is related to aspects such as romantic relationships, feelings, creativity, pleasure, and sexuality.
Working on healing and balancing your Sacral Chakra can help address feelings of shame to reframe your sense of self with feelings of worthiness, which is crucial for developing strong bonds in relationships.
Svadhisthana in Sanskrit translates to "one's own abode" referring to a a personal space that is unique to an individual, a special gift they are the only one possessing.
Sexual abuse, trauma, emotional neglect, betrayal, unhealthy relationships, or (creative, emotional) suppression.can block the sacral chakra.
Urinary tract infections, lower back pain, sexual frustrations and impotency can be sign of a blocage in this chakra.
Also guilt, shame, emotional imbalance, creative blocks and repressed sexuality can cause Sacral chakra blocage.
Low self-worth, lack of passion, inability to express emotions, difficulty experiencing pleasure

Kundalini & Tantra
Sexual health
The Sacral Chakra is the centre of creativity, pleasure and sexual health: Improved intimacy, reproductive health, and emotional well-being can result from balancing this chakra. Both physical and mental equilibrium can be are enhanced by a healthy consensual sexual life; Emotional intimacy is just as important as physical pleasure to feel good.
Fertility cycle & Reproduction System
The entire functioning of the reproductive system depends on the ovaries and testes remaining healthy. Diet, lifestyle, and supplementation can all have an impact on hormones and hormonal balance, which are essential for reproductive health.
Natural Fertility Support, Holistic and natural methods can improve cycles and fertility. Increase your fertility using herbs, vitamins, and lifestyle modifications; Yoga, acupuncture, and other holistic therapies can also help with conception.
Improving fertility requires both nutritional, emotional support and stress management.