Heart Chakra (Anahata):
The Heart chakra is located in the centre of your chest and governs the heart, lungs and the thymus gland.
Serving as the balance where physical and spiritual meet, the Heart controls compassion, love and emotional balance.
The heart chakra focuses on our body's ability to repair itself through the vibration of love, connecting with our surroundings and others.
Loss of a loved one, betrayal, rejection, emotional abuse, or the inability to give or receive love.
When this chakra is out of balance, we may have feelings of resentment or isolated. On the other extreme, we may give excessively to others as a coping mechanism in order to compensate with the void we feel.
Grief, heartbreak, inability to forgive, closed off to love and compassion might be signs of a block Heart chakra.
Sadness, resentment, jealousy, feelings of isolation, difficulty forming meaningful connections.
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How to recover from friendship break up? Overcoming betrayal.
How to cope with grief and loss? Stages of grief and healing process
How do I open my heart to love and compassion? The art of forgiving yourself and others.