Heart Chakra (Anahata):

The Heart chakra is located in the centre of your chest and governs the heart, lungs and the thymus gland.

Serving as the balance where physical and spiritual meet, the Heart controls compassion, love and emotional balance.

The heart chakra focuses on our body's ability to repair itself through the vibration of love, connecting with our surroundings and others.

  • Loss of a loved one, betrayal, rejection, emotional abuse, or the inability to give or receive love.

  • When this chakra is out of balance, we may have feelings of resentment or isolated. On the other extreme, we may give excessively to others as a coping mechanism in order to compensate with the void we feel.

    Grief, heartbreak, inability to forgive, closed off to love and compassion might be signs of a block Heart chakra.

  • Sadness, resentment, jealousy, feelings of isolation, difficulty forming meaningful connections.

Food good for your Heart Health

Cardio Exercice

By strengthening the heart muscle, cardiovascular exercise improves the heart's ability to pump blood and enhances Heart Function.

  • Lower Blood Pressure: Exercise keeps blood vessels flexible and healthy while also improving circulation.

  • Lower Cholesterol: Exercise raises HDL (good) cholesterol and lowers LDL (bad) cholesterol, by preventing plaque from accumulating in the arteries, this lowers the risk of heart attacks and atherosclerosis.

  • Helps With Weight Management: Cardio exercises lower body fat and burn calories, both of which are good for heart health. Retaining a healthy weight minimises the risk of heart disease and other cardiovascular disorders as well as the workload on the heart.

  • Enhances Blood Sugar Regulation: Since type 2 diabetes raises the risk of heart disease, regular exercise can help control blood sugar levels and lower that risk.By increasing insulin sensitivity, exercise facilitates the body's more efficient use of glucose.

  • Improves Airflow: Cardiovascular workouts increase blood flow throughout the body, which guarantees that nutrients and oxygen reach tissues effectively. Heart health and general cardiovascular function are supported by improved circulation.

  • Lessens Anxiety and Stress: Exercise helps lower the stress hormone cortisol and releases endorphins, which are naturally occurring stress relievers.

  • Enhances Cardiovascular Health Generally: Frequent exercise improves overall cardiovascular endurance by strengthening the heart and lungs. Enhancing cardiovascular health lowers the risk of heart disease and raises life expectancy.

  • A fun form of cardio with Smart Jump Rope 1 to do anywhere and anytime. Keep track of your skip time, total skip number, and calories burned for monitoring your fitness progress. It features Bluetooth pairing to connect with your phone to give you data.

  • - Excellent body cardio exercise

    - Keeps your body fit and healthy

    - Improves endurance and speed

    - Improves coordination and balance

    - Promotes spatial awareness

  • Pilates on a reformer machine promotes cardiovascular fitness by increasing heart efficiency, cardiovascular endurance, blood flow, and overall cardiovascular wellness. It also helps with stress reduction and weight management.

    The reformer includes 5 adjustable springs. The cushion is made of breathable leather and high elastic sponge, offering quick recovery after pressing.

    The bed board has a widened design for added comfort and comes with three durable roller skates for easy maneuvering, whether folded or unfolded.

  • Pilates on a reformer machine can improve cardiovascular health in a number of ways.

    Better Circulation and Heart Efficiency: The reformer machine's dynamic movements and resistance can improve heart function and heart efficiency.

    Enhanced Cardiovascular Endurance: Over time, the steady, deliberate movements of reformer Pilates can raise heart rate and enhance cardiovascular endurance.

    Improved Blood Flow: Reformer workouts increase blood flow, which supports overall cardiovascular health by helping to maintain healthier arteries and veins.

    Reduced Blood Pressure: By encouraging relaxation and lowering stress levels, frequent use of the reformer machine can help lower high blood pressure.

    Weight management: Reformer Pilates's capacity to burn calories aids in preserving a healthy weight, lessening the burden on the heart, and lowering the risk of cardiovascular illnesses.

    Stress Reduction: Pilates' emphasis on deliberate movement and regulated breathing helps reduce stress, which is good for the heart.

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In your KoldenFruit membership

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How to recover from friendship break up? Overcoming betrayal.

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How to cope with grief and loss? Stages of grief and healing process

How do I open my heart to love and compassion? The art of forgiving yourself and others.