third eye chakra

Third Eye Chakra

 Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

Nourishing your third eye enhances your ability to see both physically and intuitively: It relates to perception, clairvoyance and intuition, governing inner wisdom and spiritual insight.

The third eye chakra also known as “the seat of intuition”, resides in the middle of the forehead and is associated with the pituitary gland.This chakra governs aspects such as eye health, the pituitary gland, visualisation, intuition, sensory health, and psychoactive experiences stimulating your third eye opening. 

People are said to have the Third Eye opened, follow their intuition and are more perceptive as they are receptive to the signs, open and in sync.

  • Being prohibited to follow your dreams, not being allowed to work in your desired field, dismissal of your intuition, being discouraged from exploring your inner knowing or spiritual journey and other traumatic events challenging your belief system are traumas that can block your third eye chakra.

  • Lack of purpose, closed-mindedness, inability to trust intuition, overactive mind are signs of third eye chakra blockages.

    Having regular headaches, difficulty with vision or focus, and hearing problems can all be signs of blockages: People who seem to "know it all" and have difficulty hearing reality or who are not in touch with their intuition may also have blocks.

  • Confusion, self-doubt, inability to make decisions, lack of imagination, disconnected from intuition are negative emotions indicating unbalances in the third eye chakra.

Pituitary Gland:

Also called the ‘ Master gland’ plays a major role in hormone regulation.

  • Adaptogens: Herbs like ashwagandha and maca root can support pituitary function.

  • Balanced Diet: A diet rich in antioxidants and essential fatty acids promotes gland health.

  • Regular Sleep Patterns: Consistent sleep supports hormonal balance regulated by the pituitary gland.

Sensory Health

Recommended retreats:

Psychoactive Experiences

Exploring psychoactive experiences can offer profound insights but should be approached with caution and respect.

Guided Sessions:

Engaging in guided psychedelic experiences with trained professionals.


Using small doses of psychedelics to enhance creativity and insight.

Legal Considerations:

Ensuring all practices are legal and conducted in safe environments.

Psilocybin Mushrooms of the World:

An Identification Guide by Paul Stamets.

From the author of GROWING GOURMET AND MEDICINAL MUSHROOMS comes the only identification guide exclusively devoted to the world's psilocybin-containing mushrooms.

Recommended Book to purchase via our amazon link.

  • Detailed descriptions and color photographs for over 100 species are provided, as well as an exploration of their long-standing (and often religious) use by ancient peoples and their continued significance to modern-day culture.

  • Some of the species included have just been discovered in the past year or two, and still others have never before been photographed in their natural habitats.

Best Food for Eye nutrition

Eye Health

  • Eye Exercises: Regular exercises can improve focus and alleviate eye strain.

  • Protective Eyewear: Blue light glasses can protect your eyes from the harmful effects of screen time.

  • Clinically proven anti-ageing LED eye treatment to treat fine lines and wrinkles: 4 powerful LED wavelengths target collagen and elastin production. Use 6 times a week for 8 weeks for younger-looking eyes!

    Enjoy £10 off your order via our CurrentBody link

  • A luxurious eye massager to relieve eye fatigue and improve blood circulation. Wake up refreshed and ready to take on the day after a comfortable sleep every time. Relax into a state of deep tranquility that targets your eyes, nose, and ears.

    Suitable for easing insomnia, dry eyes, eye fatigue, poor sleep quality, meditation, and stress. Use discount code KOLDENFRUIT at checkout on Renpho for £10 off on your order

Join Our Membership

Enjoy your at-home retreat with our membership designed for you to cultivate trust in your intuition.

Benefits of insightful tools to access inner wisdom while stimulating your Third Eye Chakra. 

  • Guided Meditations: Using guided meditations can deepen your practices and foster clearer visions by enhancing mental imagery skills and imagination, to go beyond limiting beliefs.

  • Vision Boards: Learn how to craft beautiful vision boards helping your manifestation process and enhancing your focus by visualisation.

  • Mindfulness Practices: Affirmations and workshops to sharpen your intuitive abilities and inner guidance.

Join our membership today for empowering support on your spiritual journey!

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