Root chakras (Muladhara):

The root is the first chakra located at the base of the spine. It focuses on the physical dimension.

The root chakra covers theme around identity, ancestry, community, safety and trust. Related to the structure or foundations of your life, a balance Root chakra enhance your ability to feel safe, grounded, at-home in your body.

Balancing the root chakra first consolidates the base to open your other chakras.

  • Survival-related traumas, such as poverty trauma, abandonment, neglect, physical abuse, or a lack of basic needs being met can block your root chakra.

    Physical ailments like arthritis, as well as emotional problems like feeling uneasy about money or our most essential needs can all be symptoms of a blocked root chakra.

  • Fear, insecurity, feeling disconnected from the physical body, lack of stability.

    Blocks in Money
    Your relationship with money, scarcity mindset or abundance mindset, and propensity for particular spending habits could be influenced by childhood trauma, because of poverty and other unfulfilled needs. You may overcome a money blockages and attain financial stability by reframing your beliefs about money; For example in some households people think ‘money is the root of all evil’ when money is only a magnifier of who people already are, while also being a powerful tools to gain more freedom and do more good, if you want to.

    Shadow Work & Inner Child Healing

    Fear and anxiety are often the cause of Root chakra imbalances. Establish boundaries that allow you to feel secure in your surroundings and body, can help you regain your territory and mind space, going from a perpetual state of fear and emotionally unstable, to one of faith and security.

  • Anxiety, worry, restlessness, feelings of being ungrounded.

Childhood: Healing the root of patterns and beliefs.

Root chakra healing means re parenting the branches of your childhood that were fragilized or (emotionally, physically or spiritually) neglected to find new viable coping mechanisms healing your inner child and intergenerational trauma. Going back to your Roots to acknowledge your primary needs or where they were unmet and allowing in the emotional recovery, energy flow necessary to your personal development and structure as an adult.

Skeletal Health

The skeletal system is the structure of the body ensuring stability and support.

Appropriate bone health is crucial for maintaining strong foundations and preserving body strength; Yoga and strength training can help you improving core strength and flexibility.

Rich in Protein & High in Calcium Diet

Maintaining bone health and general physical vitality requires a diet high in protein and calcium. The body needs these nutrients to maintain ideal bone density and keep its structural integrity.

Make sure to consume healthy natural vegetal food for your daily calcium and protein intake.

Speak with your doctor to find out if high-grade calcium supplements are necessary to your diet.

Calcium & Protein Rich Foods:

  • Bone food


    Calcium: About 150 mg per 100g

    Protein: About 4.3 g per 100g

  • calcium rich food


    Calcium: About 47 mg per 100g

    Protein: About 2.8 g per 100g

  • vegan calcium


    Calcium: About 99 mg per 100g

    Protein: About 2.9 g per 100g

  • plant based protein


    Calcium: About 40 mg per 100g

    Protein: About 1 g per 100g

  • protein rich diet


    Calcium: About 264 mg per 100g

    Protein: About 21 g per 100g

Adrenal Health

The adrenal glands greatly contribute to the production hormones and stress management.

Enhancing adrenal health can help to balance your Root chakra, which lowers stress and increases general vitality.

Immunity & Vitality Retreats


Reflexology is an ancient practise can promote your receptivity, balance and grounding; Foot massagers and leg massagers are designed to target reflex points.

Through focusing on nurturing your root chakra you can develop a strong sense of security and stability.

We offer methods and resources in our membership to assist you in confronting and overcoming your concerns.

Discover how to find a feeling of self-worth and community, as well as how to connect with yourself on a deeper level.

Our website suggests affiliate products however, we are not responsible for the efficiency. Please be aware that the information on our site is purely for entertainment purposes only and should not replace professional medical advice. For any medical concerns, always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider.