Solar plexus 3rd chakra
Do you feel discomfort in stomach area, solar plexus ache, or can feel your solar plexus vibrating ? This could be linked to solar plexus anxiety symptoms or an unbalanced solar plexus.
What is solar plexus chakra responsible for? The solar plexus chakra is associated with the natural element of fire; The solar plexus area, governs motivation, personal power, confidence, and self-identity.
Solar Plexus location
The solar plexus chakra located in the belly is the 3rd chakra, a bundle of nerves in the abdomen part of the body's nervous system.
The solar plexus is closely linked to the digestive system and controls the body's organs through the automatic nervous system response.
It's located in the center of the abdomen, in front of the aorta and behind the stomach. The solar plexus is also known as the celiac plexus.
What are our 4 main plexuses? Of the four nerve plexuses, two are found at the cervical level, one at the lumbar level, and one at the sacral level, forming the cervical plexus, brachial plexus, lumbar plexus, and saccral plexus.
Solar Plexus Chakra Imbalances
When Solar plexus blocages can be reflected on your physical health ( gut, stomach, digestive system) emotional health ( procrastination, lack of confidence, and control issues) and on your spiritual health ( feeling heavy, inability to take action or make moves in life. )
What blocks solar plexus chakra?
Trauma from overbearing parents, gaslighting, or emotional abuse can damage the solar plexus.
Negative emotions: Low self-esteem, fear of rejection, and shame can block the solar plexus.
Negative self-talk: Chronic negative self-talk can contribute to blockages.
Stress: Toxic environments and stress can deplete or block energy in the solar plexus.
Symptoms solar plexus chakra blocages
Emotional eating or food blocages
Liver problem
Digestive issues like constipation, bloating, gas and indigestion
Dietary intolerances, food allergies
Parasite, fluke and worms, and other improper nutrient absorption
Digestive disorders and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).
Weight fluctuations and fat stored in stomach area
Feeling of powerlessness or little inner fire
Solar plexus and emotions
The link between the solar plexus and the vagus nerve makes it sensitive to stress and emotional blockages which can lead to feelings of insecurity and doubt.
Our stomach is our second brain. The reactions happening in our body as we digest food and the order in which we prioritise absorption of nutrients can play an important role in our mood swings.
Solar plexus dysfunction can impact our sense of inner power, and lead to digestive issues as they are governed by the Solar Plexus Chakra energy center; Stomach knots, emotional eating, stomach burn and over activated digestive system can be more related to your emotional state and ‘undigested life situations’ rather than linked to what you eat- even though a healthy balanced diet in alignement with your dietary requirements is always recommended.
If you’re curious about deeper healing work, combining solar plexus affirmations quotes with a prebiotic rich diet can help manage your heightened emotions.
Foods to Support Gut Health and balance Solar Plexus Chakra:
Your digestive system and gut health are located in the area of solar plexus body part. Certain food feed solar plexus energy center and can help you restore equilibrium in your body.
Complex Carbohydrates: High in fibre, vitamins, and minerals, they offer long-lasting energy.
Solar plexus yellow food associated to it might also feed your chakras. think bananas, lemon, yellow courgette etc
Prebiotics: Fibre that support good gut flora often present in complex carbohydrate-rich diets. Probiotics are live, helpful microorganisms that tou can find in fermented foods. They have several benefits and more to discover, including decreased inflammation, alleviation of symptoms of anxiety and depression, lowering blood pressure, and a little reduction in blood cholesterol. Probiotics can also strengthen the immune system, promote healthier skin, and help with conditions like acne, rosacea, and eczema. Fermented foods such as yoghurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi are a good source of probiotics.
Prebiotic vs Probiotic?
Prebiotics are dietary fibres that nourish the good bacteria in the stomach, whereas probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that support a balanced gut flora. They work together to keep the digestive system in equilibrium.
One of the most effective ways to balance the Solar Plexus Chakra is through food healing gut health and focusing on digestive system energy flow. Yet it is important to remember that each person has a unique gut flora, so what works for one person might not work for another. For this reason, it's always a good idea to speak with a healthcare provider before making any big dietary changes.
How to unblock solar plexus chakra?
There are a few solar plexus activities that can help you ease solar plexus pain and even to realign your solar plexus out of balance.
Solar plexus reiki is an alternative healing method to help release stuck energy and ease body tension to realign.
Solar Plexus in Reflexology : Stimulating solar plexus acupuncture point or solar plexus reflexology points can also help unblock body trapped energy.
Solar Plexus yoga can stimulate this area of the body, with yoga poses that strengthen the core and abs. Solar plexus asanas like the Boat Pose (Navasana) and Plank Pose (Kumbhakasana), can open the Solar Plexus Chakra.
Solar plexus guided meditation: Blending spirituality, mindfulness and relaxation, those chakra meditation can help solar plexus opening.
Solar plexus breathing: Deep abdominal breathing exercises are also beneficial for reducing stress, calming the mind, and enhancing digestive health.
Which mudra for solar plexus?
Rudra Mudra – A Gesture of Strength This mudra activates the solar plexus, or manipura chakra. It can increase your self-esteem and energise your body.
Those are Solar plexus release practices can alleviate discomfort and help to unblock chakra energy flow to expand your sense of personal freedom and empowerment.
How to balance solar plexus chakra?
Changing your diet to reduce sugar and saturated fat, and increase fiber intake
Working on your self-image and long-term goals
Reading aloud or in your head positive affirmations
Leaning into solar plexus chakra healing
Solar plexus affirmation
Solar plexus affirmations are meant to stimuate your sense of personal worth and boost your self-confidence.
I trust in my ability to confidently make decisions that align with my personal goals."
"I embrace my power, my strength and influence."
"My self-worth is infinite, and I manifest abundance thanks to who I am."
"I release all doubt, knowing that I am capable of overcoming every challenge with confidence."
"I radiate confidence, inspiring those around me to shine bright as well."
Solar plexus wellness
Solar plexus unblock will radiate on your other body energy centers.
Solar plexus and sacral chakra are next to each other and communicate via energy flow.
The solar plexus link your sexual expression ( sacral chakra) to your emotional expression ( heart chakra).
Sacral chakra blocages may lead to compulsive or obsessive behavior, emotional issues, and sexual guilt; which can be reflected on the solar plexus located in the body just a few inches above.
If you need sacral chakra or Solar plexus healing, get in touch today for personal guidance helping you unblock body energy flow with personalised meal plan, spiritual course and chakras alignement.
Together we focus on your solar plexus inner child, that might need support to reignite this inner fire and be able to face life with self confidence and no guilt.
This article is provided for entertainment purposes and should not be used instead of a licenced medical professional advices.