‘Ask and you shall receive’ Meaning
Timeless lesson "Ask and you shall receive" in the bible is found in the New Testament found in Matthew 7:7 and Luke 11:9. This short bible verse reveals the great power of divine manifestation. Learn how to ask to the universe to receive abondance, prosperity, health, and love. Align your words and actions with divine timing to activate the law of the univers and live in synchronicity, sign that you are on the right track with your life calling and in receptive energy to welcome the blessings your soul asks for.
The art of Manifestation, Matthew 7:7
"Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you," is how the entire bible verse is typically cited.
This proverb highlights the value of having faith, persevering, and actively pursuing your needs and desires, implying an active cooperation with God in making our wishes come true.
Ask and you shall receive explained
By asking, we acknowledge that God already knows more about our needs than we do: Asking the appropriate questions is just as important as trusting into divine guidance, even we have our back against the wall, and cannot yet find a way out of a situation.
We can receive divine guidance when we align ourselves with the results we want to obtain, therefore asking pertinent questions in order to do so.
Lord, why have you blessed me?
How can I manage the wealth you've bestowed upon me?
How do I multiply the wealth you are offering me?
What divine purpose do you have for my life?
Show me how to embrace even more your divine plan for my life? Your plan of prospering me.
It takes commitment and discernment to ask and seek: you should not be knocking on any door nor let in anyone trying to access your energy.
What did Jesus say about asking and receiving?
Matthew 7:7 NLT says, “Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for.”
John 16:24 NLT says, “Ask, using My Name, and you will receive, and you will have abundant joy.”
1 John 5:14-15 NLT says, “And we are confident that He hears us whenever we ask for anything that pleases Him'“
Making peace with our desires and needs
We don't just ask or knock once and expect people to run to the door to let us in: We never stop looking for divine protection in our lives and listening to our inner voice, our intuition, the universe way of speaking to us, through us. We actively seek for a way to participate in the divine plan; the plan of prospering us.
Asking for help when you need it
Looking for guidance via a life coach or a mentor
Making bold request when negotiating
Being grateful for what you already have
This idea has been accepted outside of its religious context in larger cultural and personal development circles with ‘ close mouth don’t get fed’, where it encourages people to express their goals and desires in a clear manner in order to obtain results.
We must be proactive, ask, seek for the way leading to the doors we want to knock on (figuratively speaking) in order to receive.
Sometimes, to get something you never had, you may have to ask for something new.
Keep knocking on heaven door
The word for "knock" in Matthew 7:7 and Luke 11:9 in the original Greek text of the New Testament is κρούω (krouó). The verb κρούω, which literally translates as "to knock" or "to strike," specifically refers to knocking on a door, yet also represent the idea of perseverance, effort, and a conscious request to access something—whether it be an answer, enter a new realm of reality/ phase of our life, or our life mission calling, knocking on someone's heart.
The New Testament was written in Greek and The Greek verb to knock κρούω (krouó) is found is several place in the book. In the Hebrew or Aramaic roots (since Jesus spoke Aramaic) the verb knocking also conveys the idea of persistent action, calling or request. Here are a few examples in the bible where ‘ knock’ is used:
Matthew 7:7 "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you."
Luke 13:25"Once the owner of the house gets up and closes the door, you will stand outside knocking (κρούω) and pleading, 'Sir, open the door for us.' But he will answer, 'I don't know you or where you come from.'"
This verse is a parable about being refused paradise or God's kingdom, the ultimate peace of mind because we are not in alignment, he doesn’t know where we come from.
Acts 12:13,16 ‘Peter knocked at the outer entrance, and a servant named Rhoda came to answer the door." (Acts 12:13)
In this passage, Peter knocks on the door after being miraculously freed from prison,
Acts 12:16 "But Peter kept on knocking, and when they opened the door and saw him, they were astonished."
He bangs on the outer door, symbolizing our ongoing need to seek refuge and ask for help. Peter’ persistence finally leads to the door being opened showing that even after living a miracle, perseverance is essential to moving on to the next phase of our journey.
5. Revelation 3:20 "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me."
Our divine purpose is looking for us as much as we look for it. We need to let it in to welcome blessings into our life to the point of feeling like we are 'eating with him' as the spirit of creation and divine protection are habiting us.
What is the meaning of ask and you shall receive?
Fundamentally, the expression means that you shouldn't be scared to ask for opportunities, support, or advice in life because doing so makes it possible for you to get what you want. It implies that you raise your chances of having your needs met by communicating your wants and desires to the universe, a higher power, or to the people in your life.
Divine energy also knows where to find us and where we stand in term of what we want to accomplish in this life.
We must be peaceful enough to hear our inner calling - and receive the signs and synchronicities, in tune with our intuitions, dreams and visions- how the universe speaks.
This also connects to the idea of spiritual awakening, which is frequently associated with throat chakra ( to ask) third eye opening ( to seek) and crown chakra activation ( to open the door to higher consciousness ). Life's coincidences occur when we are in alignement and receptive to divine order: We live in harmony with divine timing and the plan for our live, enabling a powerful manifestation energy flow.
If you want to learn more about how to speak to yourself and to the universe to mnifest your desired outcomes, get in touch with. You can book a call or explore our courses and memberships to align your thoughts, words and action to redirect your energy toward your goals.
Ready to believe you deserve to receive the happiness you ask for ?
I invite you to schedule a private call with me to see how raise your vibration, bring your desires to life, and work with the divine timing of the universe.
Here's what to expect:
Personalised Guidance: Learn how to summon your blessings with high-frequency language, affirmations, and prayers welcoming abundance and peace into your life.
Spiritual insights: Discover how nurture your relation with the divine and trust your intuition.
Chakras Energy healing: Learn how to release energetic blocages in your body with food and through everything you consume to align with divine energy flow.