Money blocages: Attracting abundance or rejecting money
Do you find it difficult to attract abundance and keep it?Those are two side of the same coin: Money blocages or an unhealthy relationship with your financial life. If you have ongoing financial issues causing you shame or guilt- and that you are either spending too much or almost repulsing money, this article is for you.
Gaining insight into and removing these obstacles can have revolutionary effects. We'll look at how the Root Chakra, the first energy center at the base of the spine, affects your financial health in this blog post.
We'll also offer helpful advice on how to manifest abundance and get past financial obstacles.
How money works
Money is an energy. If you were raised in a family/ environment where money was seen negatively or as the root of evil, you may have ingrained strong financial blockages. These obstacles may show up as fear, uncertainty, unstable finances and even shame talking about money: Our ability to draw in and hold onto money can be significantly impacted by our attitudes and feelings about it.
If you think money can buy happiness, you might find yourself making money for nothing, while if you think money doesn’t buy happiness, you might sometimes find yourself conflicted about it, undeserving of it, superficial or greedy as guilt-tripping your acceptance of money; it might triggers believe of unworthiness or shame. Some think it’s money versus happiness, others think they have to choose between money or love, or money versus family or money versus education, you name it. Needless to say our money view can significantly impact what we prioritise in life.
Money and the Root Chakra
The base of our energy system is the Root Chakra, also known as Muladhara. It focuses on our sense of stability and security as well as our basic needs. It gives us a sense of rootedness and belonging in our surroundings and bodies. Our emotional and physical needs, as well as our financial security, are met when this chakra is in balance.
We feel secure and rooted when this chakra is in balance, and that translates into having a positive relationship with money. On the other hand, an unbalanced Root Chakra can cause a number of money problems, such as anxiety about money, hoarding, or trouble manifesting abundance; The Root Chakra may be impacted by traumas related to survival, such as physical abuse, neglect, or abandonment.
The Root Chakra: The Basis
Chakra Location: Base of the spine
Element: Earth
Colour: Deep red
Symbol: A lotus flower with four petals, adorned with an inverted triangle, a square, and the seed mantra "LAM" (뤲뤂).
Focus: Ancestry, community, safety, trust, and physical dimension
Blockages: Common symptoms include fear, insecurity, and instability.
Negative Emotions: Blocked Root Chakras can be the cause of anxiety, restlessness, and ungrounded feelings.
Overcoming Financial Blocks with the Root Chakra
Identify and adressing traumas: Unresolved traumas pertaining to basic survival needs are the root cause of many financial problems. By dealing with these traumas, you can improve your financial mindset and remove obstacles. Keeping money diaries where you journal about income sources, expenses and how the money exchange make you feel can be a starting point.
Seeking guidance from a money saving expert or money advice service can help uncover and resolve these ingrained problems to see phenomenal increase in your money box.
Rejuvenating Your Root Chakra: With protein-rich food, root vegetables, and natural red fruits/vegetables alongside grounding methods such as meditation fostering stability and reestablish a connection with earth energy.
Yoga: Imagining your legs as roots going into the ground. Include postures like Warrior I, Tree Pose, and Mountain Pose that help to balance and strengthen the Root Chakra.
Root chakras Affirmations: A positive outlook on wealth and abundance can be reinforced by using money affirmations. One example would be, "I am rich no matter what I do" “ Wealth is my birth right” "I believe in the universe's abundance." "I am always having money for what I want." Moreover, changing your language when talking about money or spending money, will impact your overall relationship with money. Feel grateful to be able to pay your bill, being able to afford food, paying your team/suppliers etc all this depending on our outlook are privileges not financial burdens. You can also read money quotes to infuse some humour, philosophy and draw in positive money value.
Root chakra Crystal: Wearing Red Tiger Eye will serve as a reminder of your connection to earth and tenacity while also enhancing your Root Chakra energy; Red Tiger Eye helps to protect from negativity to foster a sense of safety contributing to your money wellness.
Releasing limiting beliefs
It's essential to break free from limiting money beliefs in order to manifest abundance. These opinions are frequently the result of social conditioning or early life experiences. Reframe and question these ideas to bring them into line with a happier, more prosperous way of thinking.
Visualization: Take some time to picture your perfect financial circumstances. Imagine yourself prosperous and leading the life of your dreams.
Generosity: Get in the habit of helping others. Generosity makes money flow in your life and generates a positive energy flow.
Create a plan: Create a financial strategy that is consistent with your values and objectives. Take decisive action to attain growth and stability in your finances.
Seek Support: To assist you in navigating and overcoming financial challenges, think about working with a financial advisor or coach.
In summary, one of the most effective ways to address and get past money blockages is to balance your Root Chakra. You are able to change your financial perspective and attract abundance into your life by addressing past traumas, letting go of unfavorable beliefs, and engaging in grounding exercises.
Balance your Root Chakra with us :
A balanced Root Chakra can be a money helper in aligning with a prosperous and fulfilling financial future according to your unique gifts, creativity and personal strength. Keep in mind that money is a form of energy: You don’t need to be a money expert to be abundant. Check out our Root Chakra Guide for more information on Root Chakra healing for your financial health and to unlock your inner money tree.
This all-inclusive manual provides insightful advice and practical methods for nourishing, harmonising, and balancing your Root Chakra on a mental, physical, and spiritual level. Alternatively, you can book a personal coaching sessions to address your concerns and receive personalised chakra healing guidance.
Root chakra food: Focus on your Bone Health
Protein-rich foods and a calcium-rich diet are necessary for constructing and maintaining healthy muscles, joints, skin tissues repair and healthy bones: The foundations or structure of our body.
Your Root Chakra Smoothie Guide highlights nourishing food combinaison alongside ingredients with benefits on the skeletal system. Calcium & Protein-rich recipes in your Root Chakra Recipes feeding your Bone Health while nurturing your Root Chakra.