Breaking the Silence: Men's Mental Health and Social Pressure.

Why Don't Men Talk About Mental Health?

Despite the fact that mental health concerns affect both men and women, men who exhibit vulnerability or seek help sometimes face a considerable stigma. Traditional gender roles frequently require men to seem stoic and unemotional in order to be considered "real men." This cultural pressure can force men to hide their feelings, contributing to the worrisome statistics—men account for almost 75% of suicide deaths in the UK, with suicide being the top cause of death for men under the age of 35.

Men have distinct obstacles moulded by cultural expectations and gender conventions; Men are said to be as less able and less interested than women in building emotional and supportive relationships with others. Yet, it is often some sort of social conditioning preventing men from opening up on their emotions or challenges they are facing.

The reality of depression among men is severe. According to research, men are less likely than women to seek mental health services, resulting in underdiagnosis and untreated disorders. Cultural demands of stoicism and emotional control exacerbate the imbalance, sustaining a cycle of internalised problems.

This troubling tendency is not isolated; it is an indication of underlying concerns such as social pressure and isolation. Men are frequently conditioned to hide their emotions, considering vulnerability as a weakness. As a result, requesting help becomes stigmatised, forcing many men to suffer in silence: It's critical to recognise that suppressing emotions and suffering in silence can exacerbate mental health problems. If you're dealing with depression, anxiety, or another mental health issue, remember that you're not alone. Taking the first step towards obtaining treatment can dramatically improve your overall well-being.

Understanding Men Mental Health Crisis

Visiting your GP is typically the best first step. They can evaluate your health and recommend treatment options that are suited to your specific needs, such as therapy, medication, or lifestyle changes. If you believe your condition is urgent and cannot wait for a GP visit, contact mental health crisis services or seek immediate medical assistance.

There are several options for assistance, ranging from GP services to helplines like Samaritans, CALM, and SANEline. Simply talking to someone about how you're feeling can be quite helpful. Remember, emotional support from loved ones can make a huge impact.

Suicidal thoughts, self-harm, extreme anxiety or panic attacks, paranoia, or a sense of being out of control are all signs of a mental health crisis. If you are suffering any of these symptoms, contact a support service right away.

Addressing unhealthy coping mechanisms.

Some people use substances like alcohol to cope with mental health issues, unaware that alcohol can worsen stress and sadness. Maintaining a balanced diet and staying hydrated helps improve mental health.

Furthermore, males who have experienced abuse or trauma may face extra difficulties when sharing their stories. Many people avoid obtaining the help they sorely need because they are afraid of being mocked, ridiculed, or emasculated.

But there is hope. Initiatives like our forthcoming 5-day retreat in Mexico offer men a safe space to offload their worries, connect with others, and embark on a transformative journey of healing and self-discovery.

Conclusion: Break the Silence and Seek Help.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is an extremely successful treatment for disorders and many mental health disorders, such as anxiety and depression. It is predicated on the idea that our thoughts, feelings, and behaviours are all linked, and that by modifying negative thinking patterns and behaviours, we can reduce emotional pain and increase our general well-being. By identifying and addressing problematic thought patterns, CBT enables people to adopt healthier behaviours and coping strategies.

The key components of CBT are:

  • Cognitive restructuring entails identifying and confronting harmful or unreasonable attitudes and beliefs, and then replacing them with more balanced and realistic alternatives.

  • Behavioural Activation: This approach focuses on boosting participation in positive and rewarding activities in order to improve mood and alleviate depression or anxiety symptoms.

  • Exposure Therapy: This technique is often used to treat phobias and anxiety disorders, and it involves gradually and methodically exposing patients to feared events or stimuli in order to diminish their fear and avoidance.

  • Skills building: CBT frequently involves teaching practical coping skills and strategies for stress management, emotion regulation, and successful problem solving.

    CBT is usually structured and goal-oriented, with clients actively involved in the therapeutic process. It is frequently offered in a time-limited style, with an emphasis on learning skills that may be employed outside of treatment sessions.

    CBT has regularly been shown to be beneficial in treating a variety of mental health concerns, including depression, anxiety disorders, PTSD, OCD, and eating disorders. It is frequently suggested as the first-line treatment due to its evidence-based approach and practical approaches.

men retreat

Book now: 5 Days 1on1 Empowering Conscious Men's Retreat in Mexico from £6,235

Circle Health Group is dedicated to providing men with compassionate mental health support that is targeted to their specific requirements. Don't be afraid to seek out and take that vital step towards greater mental health.

This retreat is designed to meet the specific needs of males by providing teachings, training, and practices in Western Tantra, Conscious Kink, Ancestral Healing, Cross-Cultural Shamanism, Shadow Work, and Initiation. This comprehensive event aims to inspire men to embrace their full potential, break free from societal restraints, and develop inner strength.

Join us on this transformational trip. Together, we can break the silence and encourage men to prioritise their mental health and well-being. What components of a men's retreat would you find most helpful in your mental health journey?

mental health retreat

Have you ever felt pushed to conceal your emotions because of societal expectations?

Are you familiar with the services available to support men's mental health, such as men's wellness retreats? It is a step that men can take to seek the help they deserve.

The material in this blog post is offered just for informational reasons and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any questions about a physical problem, always consult with your physician or a skilled mental health specialist. The retreat centres mentioned in this post are affiliate partners, and while we try to give accurate and up-to-date information, we do not promote or guarantee the efficacy or safety of any particular retreat programme or treatment style. Participation in retreats or other mental health interventions should be done under the supervision of a certified practitioner and in accordance with personal requirements and circumstances. We expressly disclaim all liability for damages or losses resulting from the use of the information contained in this page or participation in retreat activities.

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