Fabrics & Frequency: Healing Vibrations in Your Wardrobe

Understanding the difference between high and low-frequency materials might help you make better clothing selections: The quality of everything consumers consume ( food, fabrics, contents) goes beyond aesthetics. Comfort, energy flow and alignement with our personal values is a priority.

Let's look at the fascinating intersection of fabric frequencies, chakra healing, and how the colours and materials you choose may be influencing your well-being on a deeper level. In this post, we'll look at the frequency of different fabrics and frequency of clothing materials to see how they might interfere with our wellbeing, or elevate it.

healing frequency fabrics

When functioning properly, the human body is a highly attuned extrasensory instrument, far more sensitive to energy spectrums than our most modern technology. What to wear to increase your frequency?What frequency does bamboo fabric have ?

What exactly does "frequency" mean? Understanding Vibrational Frequency in Fabrics

Everything is energy. The universe is made of vibrating atoms. When we talk about fabric and their frequencies, we are referring to their molecular structure and the energy they contain within them: A frequency is the distinct vibrational energy emitted by each materials and matter.

Humans have been aware of other energy fields/frequencies that are not apparent to the naked eye or measured by present scientific techniques for millennia; Based on the understanding of vibrational frequencies, encompassing physics, ancient wisdom, and modern wellness-the materials, crystals and fabrics we wear, can affect our energy and even alter our frequency.

Fabrics with the Highest and Lowest Vibration

Heidi Yellen, a Jewish doctor, conducted a study on the frequencies of fabric in 2003. Dr. Yellen was perplexed as to why the Torah (the first five books of the Hebrew Bible) claims you should wear certain textiles over others, and specifically emphasises avoiding wearing wool and linen together.

While the study was not universally accepted by the scientific community, it did produce some intriguing (and unsurprising to us) measures; According to Dr. Yellen's research, linen and wool both have a frequency of 5000. That's a lot of frequency enhancing power. Surprisingly, when a person wore both linen and wool at the same time, the frequency dropped to zero. It appears that the frequencies of those fabrics cancel each other out. Perhaps this explain the ancient instructions not to mix these fabrics together.

Heidi Yellen's 2003 research on fabric frequencies indicated that certain natural fabrics emit higher frequencies that can harmonise with the human body's natural energy field. Meanwhile other low vibration fabrics such as synthetic fabrics, because often laden with chemicals, tend to disrupt our energy field and body energy system flow.

What frequency have different fabrics?

  • Linen: 5,000

  • Wool: 5,000

  • Organic cotton – 100

  • Cotton – 70

  • Silk – 15

  • Polyester – 15

  • Rayon – 15

    How did they do the research?

    The following are the scientific details of the linen frequency study: The frequency measurements were taken in angstroms (m) using an Ag-Environ machine, a computerised device. A retired professor created it to analyse the characteristic frequencies of agricultural commodities in order to assist farmers in determining the best time to harvest or grow.

    According to the machine, the human body has a frequency of 70-100m (it drops below 50m in persons who are ill). Dr. Yellen's assumption was that any cloth with a higher frequency is helpful to people, while any fabric with a lower frequency causes or worsens sickness.

The link between fabric choices and spiritual wellness is not new. Many sacred books emphasise the idea that our clothing can help or hinder our spiritual journey. For example, the Torah expressly forbids mixing wool and linen, a recommendation that Yellen's research unintentionally supports—when these two high-frequency fabrics are combined, their combined frequency becomes zero.

Wearing high-frequency fabrics can be viewed as a form of self-care that benefits both the body and the spirit. Just as the Bible, Quran, and other sacred texts teach us how to live in accordance with divine principles, the clothe fabrics we choose can help us live in accordance with our own energy fields.

Fabrics with a low frequency:

Synthetic fabrics, such as polyester and nylon, have lower frequencies:Polyester, acrylic, spandex, lycra, viscose, and nylon all have a measurement of 0. That's correct, a perfect zero!

When we wear rayon, nylon, or polyester, we are effectively wearing plastic. These fabrics, frequently made from petroleum-based substances, may trap energy, thus causing pain and detrimental consequences on health.When washed, these materials have been observed to shed micro-plastics; This makes us wonder if chemical residues in the fabric are absorbed by the skin. Could working out under the heat or rain, in clothes containing plastic (e.g., polyester yoga pants) increase our exposure to the fabric's chemicals and microplastics? What about when we sweat, are these micro-plastics absorbed by our skin?

Furthermore, BPA, a hazardous chemical used in plastic manufacture, has been found in various athlete gear (including Nike, Athlete, and The North Face). Polyester/spandex fabric combinations have been proven to contain BPA. Meanwhile, chemical testing of popular brands like Athleta and Lululemon yoga pants reveals the presence of PFAS, hazardous chemicals also found in numerous personal care goods and nonstick kitchenware:

Basically, avoid synthetic textiles as they are genuinely bad for the environment and your energy flow; they can make you smell bad and trap heat (or cold), whereas natural fabrics are thermally regulating regardless of the weather.

What is Viscose?

A fabric that received a terrible frequency rating because it is made of chemically treated wood pulp and occasionally bamboo fibre: To obtain a soft cloth, the wood and bamboo fibre must break down and undergo extensive chemical process in order to do so!

frequency of bamboo fabric

What fabrics have a high frequency?

Fabrics frequency play a role in your energy field.

Bamboo fabric frequency

Bamboo fabric has emerged as one of the few high frequency fabrics pleasing both sustainable fashion and spiritual well-being, due to its soft texture and eco-friendly nature.bamboo clothing frequency make it an ideal material for those looking to align their wardrobe with holistic health practices.

What is the frequency of bamboo ? Unlike synthetic fabrics, which can lower our vibrational state, the frequency of bamboo fabric aligns with the energy of the human body, promoting balance and vitality.

modal fabric frequency

Healing properties of linen

Linen is well-known for its high-frequency properties. Linen is durable, a natural cloth made from flax plants, it has a long history of usage in the medical field. Linen sheets and clothing were historically utilised in hospitals due to their exceptional healing capabilities. Linen stimulates air circulation and has antibacterial and hypoallergenic properties.

The hypoallergenic properties of linen also decrease skin inflammation and allergies. Furthermore, linen has a higher infrared radiation reflection rate than other materials, which is thought to help tissue regeneration.

Hospitals bed used to be made of linen to support patients’ healing process, as linen is a natural fabric with great breathability and moisture-wicking properties; while modern hospitals have changed to more practical materials, reconsidering linen as a part of your wardrobe for its healing frequencies is worthwhile.

Fabrics different frequency & sustainability

The frequency of fabrics is energy on our back. The elements with which we interact can influence how we feel, therefore affecting our energy flow and vitality. Here 10 High-Frequency Fabric:

  • Organic Cotton: Not all cotton is equal! Organic cotton clothing are made from pesticide-free cotton plants and therefore have greater frequencies than bleached cotton. Organic cotton frequency came in at 100, which is quite close to the human body frequency, while standard bleached cotton measured at 40.

  • Bamboo fabric: The vibrational frequency of bamboo is noted for its moisture-wicking capabilities, making it both soft and eco-friendly.

  • Hemp: Hemp, like linen, has no static charge! Hemp is the most durable natural fibre, with a lifespan outlasting cotton by 3.3 times.

  • Silk is known for its sumptuous feel and texture, however, silk frequency only measured 10. This is probably due to current techniques to process silk involving chemicals. Silk used to be processed ‘naturally’.

  • Wool: Provides excellent warmth and can be high-frequency if obtain in an ethical way, by treating animals respectfully,

  • Cashmere: When obtained from cashmere goats, this silky wool resonates with high frequencies.

  • Lycra and spandex are synthetic fabrics used to bring elasticity and stretching comfort to clothes without causing considerable vibrational interferences.

  • Alpaca wool, like cashmere, provides high-frequency comfort, warmth, and softness.

  • Modal fabric, made from beech wood pulp, is noted for its softness and high vibrational properties.

  • Organic Linen: Organic linen, like conventional linen, provides healing frequencies while also being chemical-free and eco-friendly.

If you care about the environment, you can buy any bamboo, organic cotton, or hemp apparel and feel good about your carbon footprint. If vibes are more your thing, you can keep your frequency high by choosing hemp products or opting for the vibrational frequency of bamboo fabric.

What are the advantages of hemp over linen?

Hemp and linen are both sustainable, UV resistant, resistant to bacteria and mould, Yet, hemp is the most environmentally friendly plant, so green that it is carbon negative! If everyone wore it hemp fabric clothes, we could cut the resources needed to clothe the earth by one-third.

color healing power

Koldenfruit empowers its community to live their highest vibrational lives, whether it is through a personal wellness plan, carefully curated clothing, nourishing foods, or immersive retreats. Book a personal coaching session with us to explore which of your chakras might be blocked and how you can adjust your wardrobe, diet, and lifestyle to stop hiding your talent behind your clothes.


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