Spirituality Beyond Religion: Spiritual connections are real

In this interesting blog article, we explore how fostering spirituality outside of religion as well as the complex interplay between spirituality and religion. We look at the main distinctions as summed up in the quote, “Religion is for people who're afraid of going to hell. Spirituality is for those who've already been there.” ― Vine Deloria Jr. In this article, we cover if spiritual experience are always positive, why spiritual growth is important, the benefits of living a spiritual life and developing a close relationship with the divine. As we navigate meaningful beliefs, we also look at the potential influence of religious institutions and the importance to trust our inner voice and intuition. We also offer a detailed spiritual to-do list to implement spiritual habits and experience the changing power of spirituality. Finally, protect yourself with a list of ten effective affirmations that will help you awaken to your full potential, accept your life's purpose, and banish any negative forces that are impeding your journey of self-discovery.

Is spirituality and religion the same thing?

Religious organisations can foster a sense of community and offer spiritual advice, but it's important to exercise judgement and be aware of the dangers.

Some religious organisations may exercise control over people, restricting freedoms and advancing orthodoxy. Fostering a balanced outlook is essential, embracing the positive qualities while upholding independence and critical thinking. Be on the lookout for extremist religious groups or cults that control people and take advantage of their weaknesses; Understanding the value of discernment and keeping a neutral viewpoint are essential when talking about religious institutions. Although many religious institutions offer helpful advice and assistance, it is crucial to be aware of potential risks and handle spiritual influences with discernment; Some are enrolling people on a journey of fear disguised as faith to push an outdated conformism to their beliefs.

Navigating spiritual influences is important while dealing with religious institutions: People occasionally come into beliefs or doctrines that control their minds and energy. It is crucial to use discernment and critical thinking since not all forces claiming to be from God are inherently supportive of love, light, and truth. There may be evil forces that want to deceive and manipulate us, just as there are good energies and beings who lead and uplift us.

We may manage potential hazards and develop a relationship with the divine that is genuine, empowering, and in line with our highest good by striking a healthy balance between seeking direction from religious institutions and retaining control over our beliefs and spiritual journeys: If you feel like your community is too intrusive when it comes to choices belonging to you and that your emotions, feeling of shame, guilt are being weaponised against you to manipulate your thought process, you should have the right to take a step back to consider if their level of influence or hold on your life suits you. 

Beginners' Spiritual To-Do List: Starting a Self-Discovery Journey:

Adopting spirituality fosters a state of inner peace and serenity that promotes greater self-acceptance and a closer relationship with the divine.

Finding your spiritual path gives you direction and clarity as you face the obstacles of life, giving you a feeling of purpose and meaning. It is like a rope that you hold to guide you toward the light. Spirituality fosters an expanded state of consciousness that allows for a wider view of life, embraces interconnection, fostering empathy and compassion. Establishing a connection with the divine improves one's intuitive skills, increasing wisdom and enhancing intuition to make wise decisions. Spirituality helps people develop their inner fortitude, resilience, and grace under pressure by calling upon heavenly assistance, knowing they are always protected and watch over. If you are new on this journey of self-discovery, here are a few steps for spirituality for beginners.

  • Develop Daily Mindfulness: Practise meditation, breathwork, or mindful activities to improve your awareness of the moment and strengthen your spiritual connection.

  • Explore Sacred Texts and Wisdom: To deepen your understanding of spirituality, explore the spiritual writings, lessons, and philosophic knowledge of diverse traditions. Meditate and think on what it makes you feel.

  • Embrace the outdoors: Spend time in nature, enjoy its beauty, and acknowledge how intertwined all living things are to foster a sense of peace and thankfulness.

  • Develop a regular practise of gratitude to recognise life's bounties, promote optimism, and widen the heart to heavenly guidance.

  • Seek Knowledge and Seekers: Don’t just surround yourself with like-minded people. Open your mind to other world vision. There are 8 billions people on earth and just as many ways of viewing things. Meet spiritual teachers for their guidance, participate in uplifting conversations and attend spiritual meetings.

Trusting Our Inner Voice and Intuition

Our intuition acts as a compass, pointing us in the direction of genuine spiritual encounters and bringing us into alignment with our true selves.

Building a solid relationship with our inner voice enables us to recognise what truly speaks to our souls, promoting spiritual progress. When exposed to spiritual teachings or influences, it is imperative to follow our inner guidance, pay attention to our intuition and use discernment. Some people hold the view that evil spirits or devils can disguise as angels in order to manipulate our thoughts and energies. These detrimental forces may prey on weak points, engender fear, and coerce people into undesirable attitudes or actions. As a result, it becomes crucial to develop discernment and look within for the truth, using our inner knowledge and intuition as our source of illumination. We can navigate important beliefs and embrace our genuine power by listening to our intuition even if our inner voice goes against what people in your community might expect of us: Spiritual healing is finding a space that feels safe to you and embracing who you are. Your spiritual gifts cannot be taken away from a community but exposing treasures within you to people afraid of seeing you shine can dim their lights until put at the right place.

We may shield ourselves from harmful influences by maintaining a solid spiritual basis and being aware of our energetic limits. We may keep our energetic fields clear and strong by engaging in routines like meditation, grounding, and energetic cleansing. Additionally, we can receive direction and protection from harmful energies by surrounding ourselves with uplifting spiritual communities or retreating within ourselves: Keep in mind that we have authority over our ideas and objectives. We can protect ourselves from harmful influences and align with higher vibrations by developing a mindset based in love, compassion, and discernment. Rising your vibration by cultivating a spiritual life is like reaching a protection level that ‘haters’ cannot reach; Where spirit of the lord is there is freedom.

Affirmations that Build Self-Belief and Inner Strength

Affirmations act as spiritual meditation if you set your intentions for it.

This can help you to realise your potential, activate your life's purpose and awaken your inner vital force. Step into a life of profound spirituality and personal development by accepting the truth and the lovely power inside you.

  • I have access to universal knowledge and am divinely led.

  • I put my faith in my inner voice to guide me towards what is best for me.

  • I passionately and purposefully embrace my life's purpose.

  • I let go of all unwelcome forces and open myself up to the light.

  • Love, happiness, and abundance in all aspects are things I deserve.

  • I bring my aspirations and goals to life as I co-create my world.

  • I let go of all restrictive thoughts and open myself to my limitless potential.

  • I cut ties with the dark and embrace the light and truth within of me.

  • I deserve to lead a genuine, happy life that is in line with my soul's mission.

  • I am filled with love, compassion, and calm as I accept my divine power.

In conclusion, the Crown Chakra's transforming power is unlocked as we cultivate our spiritual development outside of religion. Adopting a spiritual perspective offers a road to finding oneself, inner serenity and purpose. Religious institutions can offer direction, but it's important to keep your independence and be aware of any hazards.

Before you begin, please remember to not accept everything I or ANYONE writes/says/teaches on the spiritual journey as necessarily  “true” without first checking in with your own inner knowing or gut instincts- We are all on our own paths and even if a lot of informations might resonate with you, it is also ok to disagree or bring in your own nuances when you genuinely feel like it; Feel free to comment below to share your feedbacks.

What are your emotions trying to tell you?


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