Chakras healing frequency-Chromotherapy

chakra frequency

Chakras are our bodies energy centres; just as certain foods can nourish or decrease our energy levels, so can everything we consume, including the clothes we wear.

Choosing high-frequency fabrics allows us to resonate with higher vibrations, potentially leading to more alignment while balancing your energy flow.

This article approaches colours and fabrics as an invitation for self-discovery and healing: What are you naturally drawn to? How does your wardrobe reflect you ? Your energy introduces you before you do, as striking as colours.

Healing Frequencies and their Impact

chakras for beginners

1. Root chakra (Muladhara)

  • Frequency: 256Hz Associated energy provides stability, security, and grounding.

  • Colour psychology: Red is thought to evoke courage. It grounds us and provides a sense of security.

  • Tip: Add red to your wardrobe or surroundings to feel more grounded.

2. The sacral chakra (Svadhisthana)

  • Frequency: 288Hz is associated energy is linked to creativity, passion, and pleasure.

  • Colour Psychology: Orange is energizing and uplifting bringing enthusiasm.

  • Tips: Wear orange to boost your creative energy and increase your zest for life.

3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura).

  • Frequency: 320Hz Associated Energy is confidence, power, and personal strength.

  • Colour psychology: Yellow exudes confidence and positivity.

  • Practical Tip: Add yellow to your wardrobe to boost your feeling of empowerment.

4. Heart chakra (Anahata)

  • Frequency: 341.3 Hz Associated Energies are love and compassion.

  • Colour Psychology: Green represents nature and harmony. It encourages love and healing.

  • Practical Tip: Include green in your clothing to promote emotional healing and compassion.

5. Throat chakra (Vishuddha)

  • Frequency: 384Hz Associated Energy is communication, and truth.

  • Colour psychology: Blue promote calm self-expression and open the lines of fluid communication.

  • Practical Tip: Include blue fabrics in your wardrobe to improve your ability to express yourself.

6. The third eye chakra (Ajna)

  • Frequency: 426.7 Hz. Associated energy includes intuition, insight, and perception.

  • Colour psychology: Indigo improves intuition. It is frequently associated with wisdom.

  • Practical Tip: Indigo can stimulate your intuition to open your mind to inner insights.

7.Crown chakra (sahasrara)

  • Frequency: 480Hz Associated Energies are higher consciousness and divine wisdom.

  • Colour psychology: White symbolises purity and peace

  • Practical Tip: Incorporate white into your daily life to stimulate awakening and enlightenment.

Colour therapy & Chakras

chakras colors

Chromotherapy is used in vibrational healing to align your body vibrations with the frequencies of the result you want to get. Just as the material of your clothing influences your energy, so does the color.

Each color corresponds to a specific chakra, influencing our mood, energy, and mindset.

  • Red is associated with the Root Chakra, to grounds and stabilises energy.

  • Orange connects with the Sacral Chakra, to promote creativity and passion.

  • Yellow for the Solar Plexus Chakra, ‘ rayonner’ confidence and inner power.

  • Green for the Heart Chakra, for love, compassion, and healing.

  • Blue resonates with the Throat Chakra, for fluid communication and self-expression.

  • Indigo for the Third Eye Chakra, stimulating intuition and ultra-violet insight.

  • White is associated to the Crown chakra, as the color of light/ photosynthesis process and the divine.

If you find yourself repeatedly choosing certain colours or materials, and want a different outcome in life, it may be interesting to wonder about your current energy flow and chakra alignment.

Practical Tips for Chakra Alignment with Clothing:

chakras explained
  • Mindful Dressing: Don’t be afraid to get rid of clothes that don’t reflect who you are anymore. Be intentional about only wearing clothes you feel comfortable in and proud wearing so it will reflect on your aura.

  • Identify Your Dominant Chakra: Consider which chakra might require attention or healing. Are you drawn to specific colors or fabrics? Your preferences can provide information about where your energy may be blocked or in need of balance.

  • Curate Your Wardrobe: Use colours and fabrics to energise your chakra that needs focus. For example, if you're working to improve your Throat Chakra, wear blue and choose soft, breathable and light fabrics that promote comfort and fluidity.

  • Regular Reflection: Consider how different colours and fabrics affect your mood and energy throughout the day. Adjust your wardrobe as necessary to meet your changing needs.

Discover the healing frequencies of each chakra and how to align them through food, fabrics and colours therapy to enhance your energy and mindset. Koldenfruit's coaching and wellness program can help you boost your energy levels, sense of personal power and creativity.


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