Women's Sexuality: Society Double Standards and Empowerment

In this blog we discuss double Standard of chastity and the shaming of women sexuality. Without enabling shameful behaviours, we shade a light on what lead people to behave the way they do.

gender roles

Women chasesty & traditional purity ideals

Throughout history, societal standards, religious beliefs and cultural practices have frequently been used to control and regulate women's sexuality. Instead of investing in a social structure in which woman would not be looked at as prey or providing females the tools to protect their integrity by educating the men around them, rather women were expected to comply to the control, rules and orders placed upon them.

Traditional gender roles have frequently promoted the notion of women chastity as badge of family honour and community virtue; Traditional ideals of female purity and virginity have been utilised to regulate women's behaviour. The notion that a woman's worth is determined by her chastity has been weaponised in order to control and condemn women who do not conform to these norms- while using virginity as some sort of currency determining an individual value. While men were seen as studs for going out and ‘ getting to know’ as many women as they please. There are often double standards in the expectations towards sexual behaviour, with women being judged harsher than men for similar experiences; Adding to the stigmatisation of female sexuality, reinforcing the idea that women should comply to certain behavioural norms.

Monitoring women's sexuality has been used to keep social order while reinforce male domination; Often shaming woman for ‘ being fooled’ by man manipulating, controlling or abusing them. Woman engaging in sexual encounters as being reduced as lacking discernment or giving themselves away, while a man encouraging such sexual behaviours is rarely being reduced to taking away woman said dignity without having any intentions of honouring them. The manipulation techniques, shame and power dynamics coming from the man are not often highlighted, yet rather dismissed to instead focus on the woman ‘ lack of self respect’ as almost solely self inflicted.

This emphasises the need of instilling in young men the concepts of consent, respect, and true masculinity- while also opposing the glorification of males abusing women's naivety to promote a more healthy sense of responsibility.

Victim blaming & Slut-shaming

Victim blaming is another way to enables rape and other forms of sexual assault. This blaming is accomplished by claiming that the crime was caused (in part or entirely) by the lady wearing exposing attire or acting in a sexually suggestive manner prior to declining permission to sex, so absolving the offender of culpability while shifting the blame on the victim.

Slut-shaming is the stigmatisation of women who are thought to violate standard sexual behaviour requirements. This can take many forms, including harsh words, isolation, or even violence, all with the goal of punishing women’ perceived promiscuity or exploration of sexuality; Being criticised for asking access to birth control, abortion, being shamed for having kids with different partners or divorce are all examples of slut-shaming. It aim at preventing women and girls from having control over their sexuality, chastising them for more sexual behaviour, dress, or aspirations while directing how they should feel or react in the intimacy.

Understanding and addressing these difficulties will necessitate continual efforts to question established norms, promote gender equality, and create safe spaces for women to express their traumas and discover their sexuality without fear of judgement or retaliation. Advocacy, education, and open conversation are all important components of creating a more inclusive and fair society.

Traumas response & Woman sexuality

Society can be quick to shame another woman sexuality or way to engage in their relations without considering the underlying traumas, self-esteem issues, or obsolete coping techniques that may drive her to engage in flirtations or promiscuity.

woman trauma response

It is a mistake to believe anyone would deliberately lack self-respect without comprehending the complexities that motivate their conduct and personal journey. There are underlying societal and psychological variables that drive this behaviour; sexual and emotional abuse, both hidden and visible, can fester beneath the surface. Condemning without understanding is a dishonest way to take advantage of female and tear them down even more: We should question behaviour and what lead them to that - Not weaponising their vulnerability to shame them further.

Education is critical in combating negative stereotypes and developing healthy sexual attitudes. Comprehensive sex education can help to reduce stigma, create understanding, and promote respect for various sexual expressions.

Sexuality : Identity & Social Challenge

Despite these obstacles, there is a growing movement towards women's empowerment, and the rejection of restrictive standards. Advocating for sexual rights and respecting each gender challenges is upending the current quo to build an inclusive and fair society.

Both men and women bear responsibility for their actions and choices in terms of intimacy; However a lack of consciousness, traumas, poor self-esteem and distorted sense of self can lead people to a broken or primitive vision of what truly is intimacy, ultimately leading them to depravation. Individuals who are perceived as sexually permissive may face social isolation while being targeted by predators; The challenge of our times is to redefine new level of emancipation where people life experience can be expressed without shame and met with respect .

The truth is women body, spirit and life are just as sacred as men; Now we must be encouraged to see ourselves as the unique being we all are in order to grow together in healthy, functional people. It is important to set the standard for ourselves of what we will or will not accept; Now if anyone’ ego or sense of masculinity is threaten by the sexual experiences of someone else, it might not be the right partner for you- but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a right person. You should respect people, even when they don’t fit your description of what honourable is.

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