Broccoli purple sprouting

from £6.00

Purple broccoli is native to the eastern Mediterranean and Central Asian region, it offers all of the same nutritional benefits as broccoli, just in a slimmer, more colourful version; Packed with vitamin C and a good source of carotenoids, iron, folic acid, calcium, fibre, vitamin A and B.

Sulforaphane is another potent bioactive compound present in broccoli with the potential to support brain function after an event of reduced oxygenation to the brain and thought to provide resistance against heart disease, osteoporosis and diabetes.

Available November to March, some new varieties from late July to late October.


Purple broccoli is native to the eastern Mediterranean and Central Asian region, it offers all of the same nutritional benefits as broccoli, just in a slimmer, more colourful version; Packed with vitamin C and a good source of carotenoids, iron, folic acid, calcium, fibre, vitamin A and B.

Sulforaphane is another potent bioactive compound present in broccoli with the potential to support brain function after an event of reduced oxygenation to the brain and thought to provide resistance against heart disease, osteoporosis and diabetes.

Available November to March, some new varieties from late July to late October.

Purple broccoli is native to the eastern Mediterranean and Central Asian region, it offers all of the same nutritional benefits as broccoli, just in a slimmer, more colourful version; Packed with vitamin C and a good source of carotenoids, iron, folic acid, calcium, fibre, vitamin A and B.

Sulforaphane is another potent bioactive compound present in broccoli with the potential to support brain function after an event of reduced oxygenation to the brain and thought to provide resistance against heart disease, osteoporosis and diabetes.

Available November to March, some new varieties from late July to late October.

Health tips

Broccoli is famous for its glucosinolate content, which are phytonutrients that support all processes of detoxification within our bodies. Different nutrients from different vegetables support either phase 1 or phase 2 of our body’s detoxification systems, but glucosinolates from broccoli support both!