Jerusalem Artichoke (Sunchoke)

from £3.50

Jerusalem artichoke or sunchoke is a tuber member of the daisy family and is closely related to the sunflower. It sort of look like a ginger and got a texture similar to a potato, while softer, creamier with a delicious nutty flavour when roasted.

Jerusalem artichokes provides you with a quarter of your daily iron need;You would have to eat three ounces of red meat to get the same amount.

Available in March and April

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Jerusalem artichoke or sunchoke is a tuber member of the daisy family and is closely related to the sunflower. It sort of look like a ginger and got a texture similar to a potato, while softer, creamier with a delicious nutty flavour when roasted.

Jerusalem artichokes provides you with a quarter of your daily iron need;You would have to eat three ounces of red meat to get the same amount.

Available in March and April

Jerusalem artichoke or sunchoke is a tuber member of the daisy family and is closely related to the sunflower. It sort of look like a ginger and got a texture similar to a potato, while softer, creamier with a delicious nutty flavour when roasted.

Jerusalem artichokes provides you with a quarter of your daily iron need;You would have to eat three ounces of red meat to get the same amount.

Available in March and April


Two types of Jerusalem artichokes exist:

  • White-skinned, which is the most popular in Britain as they grow easily in colder climates and shorter summers.

  • Red/purple skinned sunchokes even if they are more difficult to grow.

roasted  jerusalem artichokes