Third eye Chakra Smoothie Recipe + Sensory system Nutrition E-book

from £19.99

Third eye Chakra Smoothie Recipe: The Third eye Chakra can be supported by purple/violet/ indigo coloured food and potentially psychoactive foods. Discover healthy smoothie recipes promoting third eye activation; intuition, wisdom, ability to see the truth, and connection to higher realm. Sweet purple potato, Purple grapes, Plums, Purple kale, blueberries, purple cabbage, purple carrots and more for mind blowing sweet and savoury smoothies recipes!

Sensory system Nutrition E-book: The Third Eye Chakra is located just above our eyebrows in the middle of our forehead and connects to our pituitary gland which produces hormones and governs the functions of other glands. A detailed nutritional exploration of the best food combinaison to decalcify glands, natural mood/ sleep enhancer improving receptivity and healing sensory system+ Smoothie recipes to to feed Third Eye Chakra.

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