Heart Chakra Bundle: Smoothie Recipe + Respiratory system nutrition E-book

from £19.99

Heart Chakra Smoothie Recipe E-book: Healthy smoothie recipes promoting the energy of your Heart chakra with benefits on the respiratory system. The food groups relating to the Heart chakra are Chlorophyll-rich food and green coloured food. Your Koldenfruit guide focuses on Green smoothie recipes and features Kiwi, Kale, Custard apple, Avocado, Green Bell Peppers, Green Grapes, Dandelion greens, Cucumbers, Celery, Asparagus, Green Apple and more

Heart Chakra Bundle: Respiratory system Nutrition + Heart Chakra recipe e-book. Indulge in green vegetables, chlorophyll rich food, leafy vegetables, alongside nutritious phytonutrients in fruits to protect your cardiovascular functions. A list of fruits, spices, superfoods, herbs with antioxidants and other health-promoting compounds like Cilantro, Moringa, Spirulina and Matcha green tea that can support respiratory health while contributing to heart health by clearing your lungs, improving circulation and blood flow.

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