The link Between Emotional & Physical Weight

The significant link between emotions and physical weight is explored in this article, illuminating how emotional weight carrying heavy burdens can be expressed through our relation with food. From emotional weight in relationship to emotional abuse weight gain or weight loss, passing by emotional eating or excessive calorie control; Could emotional body weight and physical body weight be correlated with outer expressions varying from one individual to the other?

What is emotional weight?

Definition of emotional weight: The Emotional weight is metaphorical expression used to express the emotional baggage, unresolved emotions, mental charges or psychological tensions that people carry around with them. It might appear as emotional burden or show up in several ways, influencing things like relationships, eating patterns, behaviours and mental health.

Emotional loads or unsolved disputes that may affect reactions, interactions or interfere with our thoughts process within our relationship with our partner are referred to as '“emotional weight in relationships”;

Can emotional stress cause weight loss?

Yes, emotional stress can cause you to lose weight. Chronic stress can cause the body to go into "fight or flight" mode, which increases cortisol production. Increased cortisol levels have been linked to decreased appetite and possible weight reduction over time.

On the other hand, some people could have compulsive behaviours involving eating and weight management; When life feels challenging, excessive calorie monitoring or food restrictions may be an outward manifestation of the need to control something.

Furthermore, stress may trigger unhealthy coping strategies like emotional eating or undereating, both of which have an impact on weight.

Emotional abuse causes weight gain?

Emotional abuse can have a significant negative impact on a person's mental and emotional health, which may then influence behaviours like eating patterns. Some people may turn to food as a coping method when they are being emotionally abused, which can result in weight gain.

Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight involves more than simply physical improvements. It's a comprehensive procedure that includes caring for your emotional and mental health. Achieving long-lasting weight loss requires managing feelings like shame and guilt, which can frequently go hand in hand with weight difficulties and even obesity. Consult with mental health professionals, be kind to yourself and look into holistic methods of enhancing emotional wellbeing.

It's critical to understand that weight gain may be a symptom rather than the actual problem for people who are having trouble losing weight. For long-term weight loss, it's crucial to address the emotional issues at the foundation of the problem. Victims of emotional abuse must get support, treatment and self-care in order to recover and deal with any weight-related difficulties that may have resulted.

The Solar Plexus Chakra & Food

Manipura, another name for the Solar Plexus Chakra, is situated directly above your navel. It is related to individuality, self-worth, and confidence . You experience a sense of control over your life when this chakra is in balance. Alternatively, situations taking away our power may cause obstruction, unbalances or emotional distress. Your solar plexus course include ‘emotional weight affirmation’ promoting emotional release; Affirmations declaring emotional freedom, healing, and self-compassion can be a potent tool for encouraging emotional release and healing.

Mental health and gut health: The gut-brain axis is a physical connection between the gut and the brain. For overall well-being, including mental health, a healthy gut with a balanced microbiome (the community of bacteria in the digestive tract) is crucial. Neurotransmitters like serotonin, also known as the "feel-good" neurotransmitter, are produced in the gut. Mood disorders might result from imbalances in the gut microbiota, which can impact the generation of neurotransmitters.

You can begin a transforming path by acknowledging the link between emotional weight and physical weight; Your weight is not just a number on a scale, it can be be an indication of how you feel or treat yourself as well as reflection of your emotional health. You can effect long-lasting transformation and true holistic well-being by prioritising self-care, focusing on a healthy, balanced and complete diet; To activate your inner power, feed your solar plexus chakra by nurturing your digestive system and gut health associated to it.

How to lose emotional weight?

The first step in acquiring control over these behaviours is to recognise the underlying motivations behind them. Examine the emotional reasons behind these practises rather than just counting calories; In order to break free from compulsive tendencies and reestablish a healthy relationship with food and your body, seek professional advice and investigate together best suitable practises for your situation.

In order to lose emotional weight, one must address the underlying emotional problems that lead to emotional eating or unhealthful food connections. Strategies include going to therapy or counselling to examine and regulate emotions, engaging in stress-reduction practises like meditation or yoga, practising mindful eating to create a healthier connection with food, and developing a strong support system. Individual self-care, couples therapy and open communication can all help to address and lighten the emotional burden in partnerships.

Seek the assistance of mental health professionals to help you resolve the emotional baggage you carry and receive the emotional support you might need.


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