Mango vegan ice-cream

Refreshing and light


Overnight or a few hours before making this dessert, cut the mango in cubes, the banana in pieces. Put in a bag with lemon juice squeezed on top and place in the freezer. This will give more texture to your dessert!

mago frozen cream vegan. recipe


  • 2 mango

  • 1banana

  • 1 Passion fruit

  • 50ml oat milk

  • 1 lemon

  • 65g coconut yogurt

  • 2 drop of vanilla essence

Step by step:

1. In a blender put the frozen fruit with the coconut yogurt. Mix a few secondes.

2.Add the oat milk and two drop of vanilla essence before blending until the cream is smooth.

4.Slice the passion fruit and remove the pulpe with a spoon to gently fold it in the ice-cream .

5.Serve in small glass cup.


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