Chakras: Nutrition & Health


Each chakras got its own energetic field or energy wheel within the body, with body glands, body health system and organs associated to it. Chakras correspond to bundles of nerves, major organs and areas of our energetic body that affect our emotional, physical and spiritual well-being.

Aligning your chakras means addressing any physical or emotional blockages preventing harmonious energy flow through the body and mind. Matching the right frequency, colour, diet type and nutrient groups, associated with each chakra can help balancing their energy centres.

See below how our courses for each chakras, nutrition guide and healthy recipes can help you resolve internal conflicts, remove blockages and improve your physical, emotional, nutritional and spiritual health. There are seven chakras always appearing in a specific order, starting from the base of the spine, with the root, going all the way up to the top of the head, the crown.

Crown chakra(Sahasrara):

In your KoldenFruit Crown Chakra guide:

How can I reach a higher state of consciousness and experience spiritual enlightenment? By nurturing the Crown Chakra, you can elevate your consciousness,  raise your vibration and tap into higher realms of awareness with our Crown Chakra guide: Explore the fascinating relationship between brain health, eating, fasting, sleeping, a calm nervous system and manifesting your dreams. Expand your sacred knowledges and deepen your spiritual practice with this guide highlighting the link between melatonin-rich food improving sleep quality, circadian rhythm, psychoactive food, psychedelics and transcendental experiences.

  • The crown chakra impacts all the other chakras ( hence all the organs in this system) as they are all connected, circulating energy flow and standing for our life' line or purpose when in alignment: When crown chakra is blocked, we might lack of purpose, spiritual indifference, disconnection and difficulty experiencing higher states of consciousness, difficulties entering higher realms of consciousness or raising your vibration.

    Trauma: Spiritual or existential crises, disconnection from higher purpose or divine consciousness, or traumatic events that shake one's faith.

    Blockages: Disconnection from spirituality, lack of purpose or meaning, closed off to higher guidance.

    Negative Emotions: Lack of inspiration, feeling lost or aimless, spiritual skepticism, difficulty accessing higher states of consciousness.

  • * Controls and coordinates the body's responses to internal and external stimuli

    * Receives sensory information from the environment

    * Processes and interprets sensory input

    * Controls voluntary and involuntary movements

    * Facilitates communication between different parts of the body through electrical and chemical signals

Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

Having regular headaches, difficulty with vision or focus, and hearing problems can all be signs of blockages: People who seem to "know it all" and have difficulty hearing reality or who are not in touch with their intuition may also have blocks.

In your KoldenFruit Third Eye Chakra guide:

How can I strengthen my intuition and trust my insight  or  inner vision?Nurturing the Third Eye Chakra allows you to awaken your intuitive wisdom and enhance your decision-making abilities to visualise with clarity and be guided toward a successful future. Utilise our Third Eye Chakra guidance to develop your intuitive wisdom and spiritual growth. Explore the world of healthy foods nourishing your vision & eye health as we look at the relationship between nutrition and mindfulness to manifest your vision of the future.

  • The interoceptive system is a network of sensory channels and processes distributed throughout the body, giving us the ability to perceive and understand internal physical experiences: Our general wellbeing, emotional stability and sense of self-awareness depend on it. The interoceptive system enables us to perceive and understand inner states such as thirst, hunger, breathing, temperature, pain, and emotional feelings.

    By enabling us to be aware of inside sensations, the interoceptive system helps to maintain physical homeostasis and enables appropriate responses to physiological demands. It has an impact on our emotions, judgement, and overall sense of who we are and is crucial to the mind-body connection.

    The interior organs, muscles, and tissues of the body communicate with the brain through interoception in order for it to analyse and interpret the information. The constant feedback loop that this sensory information provides us with allows us to keep track of and regulate our physiological status.

    Numerous aspects of both physical and mental health have been linked to interoception. Interoceptive processing issues can have an effect on diseases like autism spectrum disorders, eating disorders, chronic pain, and anxiety disorders. Those who have a good interoceptive system, on the other hand, usually exhibit enhanced emotional regulation, resilience, and general wellbeing.

  • Indigo/ purple are associated with this Chakra. Your guide will highlight natural mood/ sleep enhancer improving receptivity and connection to higher realm, such as purple grape, purple kale, eggplant, sweet purple potato.

  • Trauma: Dismissal of intuition, being discouraged from exploring one's inner knowing, or traumatic events that challenge one's belief system.

    Blockages: Lack of clarity, closed-mindedness, inability to trust intuition, overactive mind.

    Negative Emotions: Confusion, self-doubt, inability to make decisions, lack of imagination, disconnected from intuition.

Throat chakras (Vishuddha):

Problems with the voice and throat, as well as any issues with the mouth, teeth or gums can all be signs of a blockage. Additionally, dominating conversations, gossiping, speaking without thinking and having difficulty expressing yourself can be signs of blocks or misalignment.

In your KoldenFruit Throat Chakra guide:

 How can I express my authentic voice and speak my truth to communicate my wants and needs effectively? You can improve your communication skills, find your own voice and ability to articulate your thoughts with clarity and confidence by taking care of your throat chakra. Unlock the power of genuine expression and art of conversation with our Throat Chakra guide. Support your vocal system and thyroid gland through your diet too, as we focus on high in water content, iodine-rich foods nurturing oral health.

  • * Allows for the production of sounds and speech

    * Involves the coordination of various structures such as the larynx, vocal cords, and respiratory system

    * Enables communication and expression of thoughts, emotions, and ideas through speech and singin

    * Allows for the production of sounds and speech

    * Involves the coordination of various structures such as the larynx, vocal cords, and respiratory system

    * Enables communication and expression of thoughts, emotions, and ideas through speech and singing

  • The throat chakra is represented Blue, the colour of tranquillity. Your guide emphasis blue food such as mushrooms, Indigo Milk Cap, blue tomato, berries and others.

    Some practitioners could also link this chakra to iodine-rich foods like seaweed that support a healthy thyroid function.

  • Trauma: Being silenced, ignored, or invalidated, experiencing verbal abuse, or feeling unable to express oneself authentically.

    Blockages: Fear of speaking up, difficulty expressing oneself, lack of authenticity, poor communication.

    Negative Emotions: Inhibited self-expression, self-doubt, fear of judgment, feeling unheard or misunderstood.

Heart Chakra (Anahata):

The heart chakra focuses on our body's ability to repair itself through the vibration of love, connecting with our surroundings and others: All about emotional harmony and circulation of energy flow. When this chakra is out of balance, we may have feelings of resentment or isolated, at the other extreme, we may give excessively to others.

In your KoldenFruit HEART CHAKRA guide:

 How can I find a balance between giving and receiving love? or How can I reconcile with showing and receiving love to balance my feelings? Nurturing the Heart Chakra promotes deep connections and emotional balance. In our guide, explore How our emotions impact our heart health and how forgiveness can be healing. As we explore the art of forging harmonious relationships, forgiving others and ourselves, indulge in green vegetables, chlorophyll rich food, leafy vegetables, alongside nutritious phytonutrients in fruits to protect your cardiovascular health. This chakra is also associated with the colour green, an invitation to connect with nature via exercice stimulating blood flow and great for your respiratory system.

  • * Transports oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and other essential substances throughout the body

    * Facilitates the removal of waste products and carbon dioxide

    * Maintains blood pressure and circulation

    * Supports immune responses and transports immune cells

    * Plays a role in regulating body temperature

  • Green is the colour of this fourth chakra. To balance your heart chakra, Leafy and cruciferous vegetables are a must! Emphasis on the importance of organic green and raw foods for energy and stress and provide our bodies with whole, balanced nutrients.

    Antioxidant-rich diets and green fruits/ vegetables, promoting heart health and general wellbeing, are frequently linked to it.

    One of the best things you can do to reduce your risk of heart disease is to have a healthy diet and maintain a healthy weight; The Heart Foundation recommends plenty of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, a variety of healthy protein sources, legumes (such as beans and lentils), nuts and seeds.

  • Trauma: Loss of a loved one, betrayal, rejection, emotional abuse, or the inability to give or receive love.

    Blockages: Grief, heartbreak, inability to forgive, closed off to love and compassion.

    Negative Emotions: Sadness, resentment, jealousy, feelings of isolation, difficulty forming meaningful connections.

Solaar Plexus Chakra (Manipura):

The solar plexus chakra is related to self-confidence and digestion, covering theme around transformation and achievement: Igniting our inner fire. Represented by the fire element, constipation, heartburn, eating disorders, ulcers, digestive problems and other body inflammations are frequently brought on by blockages in this chakra.

In your KoldenFruit SOLAAR PLEXUS CHAKRA guide:

How can I increase my own power and self-confidence? How can I boost my self-confidence and personal power? By nurturing the Solaar Plexus Chakra, you can improve your emotional stability, transforming your aura or way to project your light into the world, enabling you to navigate life with determination and success. Fuel your personal power with our Solar Plexus Chakra guide: Embrace yellow-coloured foods like bananas and pineapples to boost your metabolism, as well as fermented food, prebiotic and probiotics rich food nurturing your gut health and transforming you in powerhouse.

  • * Breaks down food into smaller molecules for absorption and use by the body

    * Absorbs nutrients, water, and electrolytes from digested food

    * Eliminates waste products through the process of digestion and excretion

    * Facilitates the breakdown of complex carbohydrates, proteins, and fats into simpler forms for energy production.

  • Gut health is essential to overall health and well-being, and there are several natural foods that can help. Important to note that everyone’s gut microbiome is different: what works for one person may not work for another, therefore it is always wise idea to consult with a healthcare professional before making any significant changes to your diet.

    Our Solaar plexus course covers sunny-hued / yellow foods that brings brightness and balance of energy. Your guide will highlight how to feed your gut (your second brain) with pre-biotics, probiotics, natural digestive enzymes and fermented food at-home.

    Foods rich in complex carbohydrates are sometimes also associated with The Solaar Plexus since they give you long-lasting energy and help with digestion.

  • Trauma: Powerlessness, physical or emotional abuse, shame, criticism, or a lack of personal boundaries.

    Blockages: Lack of self-confidence, control issues, feelings of powerlessness, low self-esteem.

    Negative Emotions: Anger, frustration, self-doubt, lack of motivation, indecisiveness.

Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana):

Svadhisthana in Sanskrit translates to "one's own abode" referring to a a personal space that is unique to an individual, a special gift they are the only one possessing. Working on healing and balancing your Sacral Chakra can help address feelings of shame and promote a healthier sense of self : Feelings of worthiness and abundance. Urinary tract infections, lower back pain, sexual frustrations and impotency can be sign of a blocage in this chakra.

In your KoldenFruit SACRAL CHAKRA guide:

  How can I embrace my passions and cultivate my creative flow? By nourishing the Sacral Chakra, you can unlock your creativity, tap into your passion for life to embrace life's challenges. Set out on a voyage of self-expression with our Sacral Chakra guide, empowering you to share your gifts with the world and embrace an active existence. Indulge in healthy carbohydrate, Beta-carotene rich food and orange-coloured fruits like oranges, mangoes and more to boost your vitality, as well as aphrodisiac food to awaken your sensual energy.

  • Trauma: Sexual abuse or trauma, emotional neglect, betrayal, unhealthy relationships, or creative suppression.

    Blockages: Guilt, shame, emotional imbalance, creative blocks, repressed sexuality.

    Negative Emotions: Low self-worth, lack of passion, inability to express emotions, difficulty experiencing pleasure

  • The Sacral chakra covers orange coloured food rich in vitamin C, important for the immune system. Think carrots, squash, sweet potatoes, mango, apricots and papaya.

    Given that good fats are crucial for hormone production some practitioners may link this chakra to monounsaturated and polyunsaturated nutrients.

  • * In males, produces and delivers sperm for reproduction

    * In females, produces eggs, supports fertilization, and nurtures the developing fetus

    * Facilitates sexual maturation and secondary sexual characteristics

    * Regulates hormonal balance and reproductive cycles

Root chakras (Muladhara):

Healing your Root ( childhood or generational traumas) means acknowledging your primary needs or where they were unmet to allow in the emotional healing necessary to your personal development as an adult. Physical ailments like arthritis, as well as emotional problems like feeling uneasy about money or our most essential needs can all be symptoms of a blocked root chakra. Balancing the root chakra first consolidates the base to open your other chakras.

In your ROOT CHAKRA guide:

How to set healthy boundary and develop inner strength?A balance Root chakra enhance your ability to feel safe, grounded, at-home in your body: Taking your power back by simultaneously taking space and holding boundaries suiting you so you can feel safe in your body & environment. We investigate how early experiences can affect our emotional stability and inclination toward certain pattern. Learn effective methods to nurture your inner child and free yourself from limiting beliefs, alongside tools to help figure out if we are motivated by faith, trust in the future, or fear, lack mindset because of past events. Also in our Root Chakra PDF course, exercices to build your core identity and protein-rich food strengthening bone health.

  • Trauma: Survival-related traumas, such as abandonment, neglect, physical abuse, or a lack of basic needs being met.

    Blockages: Fear, insecurity, feeling disconnected from the physical body, lack of stability.

    Negative Emotions: Anxiety, worry, restlessness, feelings of being ungrounded.

  • Think red and think root! Root vegetables grow beneath the ground, absorbing a high amount of vitamins and nutrients from the soil.

    Protein-rich diets are also frequently linked to it since they are necessary for constructing and maintaining healthy muscles, joints, skin and tissues repair ; The foundations or root of building our body.

    Your guide highlights ingredients contributing to bone health and a strong immune system.

  • * Defends the body against pathogens (such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi) and foreign substances

    * Recognizes and eliminates abnormal cells, including cancerous cells

    * Provides immunity and memory for future protection against specific pathogens

    * Maintains homeostasis by removing damaged cells and promoting tissue repair

    * Includes various components such as white blood cells, antibodies, lymph nodes, and organs like the spleen and thymus.

7 Chakras

7 Chakra cookbook: 111 Divine recipes
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Sacral Chakra: Sexual health nutrition guide+ recipe Booklet
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Solaar Plexus Chakra: Gut health nutrition guide+ Recipe Booklet
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Heart Chakra: Cardiovascular health nutrition guide+ Recipe Booklet+ Food Delivery
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Throat Chakra Food: Oral health nutrition guide+ Recipe Booklet
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Third eye Chakra: Sensory health nutrition guide+ Recipe Booklet
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Crown Chakra: Nutrition course+Recipe booklet
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