Solaar Plexus Chakra (Manipura):

The ‘ seat of the vital force’, is located in your stomach area and associated with the body Gland pancreas, governing the digestive system and digestion. The Solar Plexus represents personal power, self-confidence and willpower : Igniting our inner fire. Represented by the fire element, constipation, heartburn, eating disorders, ulcers, digestive problems and other body inflammations are frequently brought on by blockages in this chakra.

Trauma: Powerlessness, physical or emotional abuse, shame, criticism, or a lack of personal boundaries.

Blockages: Lack of self-confidence, control issues, feelings of powerlessness, low self-esteem.

Negative Emotions: Anger, frustration, self-doubt, lack of motivation, indecisiveness.

Solaar Plexus Smoothie

Recipe e-book

Fuel your personal power with our Solar Plexus Chakra Smoothie Recipe e-book: Embrace sunny-hued, yellow-coloured foods like bananas and pineapples to boost your metabolism, as well as fermented food, prebiotic and probiotics rich food nurturing your gut health and transforming you in powerhouse.

Your recipe e-book will highlight how to feed your gut (your second brain) for optimal nutrient intake.

Digestive system & Gut Health

Nutrition Guide

Gut health is essential to overall health and well-being, and there are several natural foods that can help. Important to note that everyone’s gut microbiome is different: what works for one person may not work for another, therefore it is always wise idea to consult with a healthcare professional before making any significant changes to your diet.

A fibre-rich diet containing both soluble and insoluble fibres, probiotics (living, beneficial bacteria) and pre-biotics (dietary fibres that probiotics use for energy) assist support general digestive health by nourishing good bacteria in the gut; These foods are often associated with improved digestion, immune function, and overall well-being and can be used in smoothies or other dishes for long-lasting energy while helping with digestion.

In your KoldenFruit SOLAAR PLEXUS CHAKRA guide:

Your Sacral Chakra full course covers theme around transformation and achievement: How can I increase my own power and self-confidence? How can I boost my self-confidence and personal power? By nurturing the Solaar Plexus Chakra, you can improve your emotional stability, transforming your aura or way to project your light into the world, enabling you to navigate life with the determination and confidence bringing success.

  • Spiritual Level: Personal power, confidence, and inner strength.

  • Emotional Level: Self-esteem, self-worth, and emotional balance.

  • Physical Level: Digestion, metabolism, and energy.

  • Nutrition: Foods rich in complex carbohydrates (pre-biotics & probiotics / natural digestive enzyme / fermented foods).

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With our Vitality Membership access a world of emotional empowerment and self-rejuvenation with the convenience of an at-home retreat; Wellness practices ranging from 5-minutes to full weekend retreats, to you can create your own bespoke self-care routine. Self-journaling exercice to help process your emotions, daily affirmations series speaking life into you and exclusive nutrient-riche recipes nourishing you from the inside out. Join today The Vitality membership and recharge your energy.

✓ Daily Affirmations Series: Immerse yourself in positivity
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Visionary Boost
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Discover a Virtual Mindfulness Retreat designed to uplift your spirit and nurture your soul with insightful, motivating support: Our daily affirmations, mindset workshops, guided meditations & challenges boost you to harness your power and give life to your vision. Join the Visionary Membership today for personalised growth support infusing your wellness journey with transformative energy. Foster a positive mindset, release blockages, limiting beliefs and become part of an empowering community.

✓ Weekly Mindset Mastery Workshops: Reshape limiting beliefs
✓ Vision Board Workshops: Art of Visualisation & manifestation
✓ Self-Care Challenges: Activities prioritising well-being
✓ Daily Affirmation Email: Confidence boost, wisdom, self-love
✓ 7 Chakra exploration: Anatomy & blocages release
Energy Flow
Every month
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Our Energy flow Membership offers you a space to attune to shift your energy for the better. Benefit from Private virtual Chakra assessment determining which energy centres on your body might require more focus. Dive in our empowering Daily affirmations email series, Self-care challenges, as well as weekly workshops to release stress and balance your chakras. Join us today to embrace a membership encompassing nutritional, physical, emotional & spiritual well-being with nurturing creativity.

✓ Monthly Chakra Energy assessment: Private 1H session
✓ Daily Affirmations Series: Immerse yourself in positivity
✓ Weekly 7 Chakra workshops: Anatomy & blocages release
✓ Weekly Self-Care Challenges: Well-being & Creativity
✓ Holistic Health E-Books: Natural remedies, DIY and recipes