Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana):

This chakra located in the lower abdomen is associated with the reproductive organs and represents the center of pleasure, passion, creativity, intimacy and sexuality.

Svadhisthana in Sanskrit translates to "one's own abode" referring to a a personal space that is unique to an individual, a special gift they are the only one possessing. Working on healing and balancing your Sacral Chakra can help address feelings of shame and promote a healthier sense of self : Feelings of worthiness and abundance. Urinary tract infections, lower back pain, sexual frustrations and impotency can be sign of a blocage in this chakra.

Sacral Chakra traumas & blockages

Trauma: Sexual abuse or trauma, emotional neglect, betrayal, unhealthy relationships, or creative suppression.

Blockages: Guilt, shame, emotional imbalance, creative blocks, repressed sexuality.

Negative Emotions: Low self-worth, lack of passion, inability to express emotions, difficulty experiencing pleasure

Sacral Chakra Food

Given that good fats are crucial for hormone production some practitioners may link this chakra to monounsaturated and polyunsaturated nutrients. The Sacral chakra also covers orange coloured food rich in vitamin C, important for the reproductive system.

Sacral Chakra Course

Relationship, Intimacy, Creativity & Growth

By nourishing the Sacral Chakra, you can unlock your creative energy, tap into your passion for life to embrace life's challenges. Set out on a voyage of self-expression with our Sacral Chakra guide, empowering you to share your gifts with the world and embrace an active existence.Unlock the power of your Sacral Chakra by nurturing your reproductive system.

Emotional: Tap into your creativity, passion, sensual energy and emotional expression through specific practices awakening your sacral chakra.

Nutritional: Receive recommendations for foods that support hormonal balance, reproductive health and vitality.

Physical: Practice and movements that engage the lower abdomen, hips and pelvis for strength and flexibility.

Feed, nurture, balance and heal your energy, on the Emotional, nutritional, Physical & Spiritual levels. Our Root chakra guide covers ‘  How can I embrace my passions and cultivate my creative flow?’.

Sacral Smoothie Recipes

Beta-carotene rich food and orange-coloured fruits like oranges, mangoes and more to boost your vitality, as well as aphrodisiac food to awaken your sensual energy. Given that monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are crucial for hormone production, this booklet is specifically created to emphasise healthy-fat foods and vitamin rich recipes important for reproductive system while feeding your Sacral Chakra.

Reproductive Health Nutrition

fertility food support

Given that monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are crucial for hormone production, this booklet is specifically created to emphasise healthy-fat foods and vitamin rich recipes important for ovulation phase.