Root chakras (Muladhara): The foundations

The root is the first chakra located at the base of the spine. It focuses on the physical dimension and is related to the structure or foundations of your life: The root chakra covers theme around identity, ancestry, community, safety and trust. A balance Root chakra enhance your ability to feel safe, grounded, at-home in your body: Taking your power back by simultaneously taking space and holding boundaries suiting you so you can feel safe in your body & environment.

Healing your Root (childhood or generational traumas) means acknowledging your primary needs or where they were unmet to allow in the emotional healing necessary to your personal development as an adult. Physical ailments like arthritis, as well as emotional problems like feeling uneasy about money or our most essential needs can all be symptoms of a blocked root chakra. Balancing the root chakra first consolidates the base to open your other chakras.

Trauma: Survival-related traumas, such as abandonment, neglect, physical abuse, or a lack of basic needs being met.

Blockages: Fear, insecurity, feeling disconnected from the physical body, lack of stability.

Negative Emotions: Anxiety, worry, restlessness, feelings of being ungrounded.

  • See below to purchase your Root chakra guide: Feed, nurture, balance and heal your ROOT, on the Emotional, nutritional, Physical & Spiritual levels.

Root Chakra Full course:

We investigate how early experiences can affect our emotional stability, relation to money and inclination toward certain patterns. Learn effective methods to nurture your inner child and free yourself from limiting beliefs, alongside tools enlightening potential coping mechanisms to discerne when we are being led by faith/ trust in the unforeseen future, or guided by fear because of past events. Also in our Root Chakra PDF course, exercices to build your core identity on the emotional, nutritional and physical level with calcium & protein-rich foods strengthening bone health. Overall, Our Root chakra guide covers ‘How to get stronger within yourself to cultivate a sense of Stability versus survival mode.’

  • Emotional: From Identity Crisis to Identity Empowerment: Discovering Your True Self, addressing issues around family and identity. How to set healthy boundary and develop inner strength?

  • Nutritional: Protein rich and high in calcium foods, promoting cellular repair, skeletal system and a healthy bone health. Alongside list of adaptogens to support your adrenal health as adrenal glands are associated to your Root chakra.

  • Physical: Grounding exercises, yoga poses promoting connection to the Earth .stimulating feet reflexology and legs mobility workout to promote articulation flexibility and stability.

  • Spiritual : Remove money blockages with our Transforming Money Mindset affirmations to release money blockages and welcome Abundance.

The root Chakra Course: Inner child healing
Sale Price:£37.00 Original Price:£45.00
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