Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

The third eye chakra also known as “the seat of intuition”, resides in the middle of the forehead and is associated with the pituitary gland.

It relates to perception, clairvoyance and intuition, governing inner wisdom and spiritual insight. People are said to have the Third Eye opened, follow their intuition and are more perceptive as they are receptive to the signs, open and in sync.Having regular headaches, difficulty with vision or focus, and hearing problems can all be signs of blockages: People who seem to "know it all" and have difficulty hearing reality or who are not in touch with their intuition may also have blocks.

Trauma: Dismissal of intuition, being discouraged from exploring one's inner knowing, or traumatic events that challenge one's belief system.

Blockages: Lack of clarity, closed-mindedness, inability to trust intuition, overactive mind.

Negative Emotions: Confusion, self-doubt, inability to make decisions, lack of imagination, disconnected from intuition.

Third eye Chakra Smoothie

Explore the world of healthy foods nourishing your Third eye Chakra as we look at the relationship between nutrition and mindfulness, to manifest your vision of the future. 7 healthy smoothie recipes promoting the energy of your Third eye chakra with food combinaison nourishing the sensory system: The Third eye Chakra can be supported by purple/ indigo coloured food. Your Third Eye Chakra smoothie recipes highlights natural mood/ sleep enhancer improving receptivity and connection to higher realm through third eye activation; such as sweet purple potato,Purple grapes, Plums, Purple kale, blueberries, purple cabbage, purple carrots and more.

Each recipe includes list of ingredients, step-by-step instructions and nutritional benefits of key nutrients to feed your Chakra while nurturing the area of your body associated to it.

Eye Health & Sensory System

Nutrition Guide

Given that vision is one of our basic senses and that the eyes are crucial in acquiring visual information from the environment, there is a strong relationship between eye health and the sensory system.

Eyes take in light and transform it into electrical signals that travel through the optic nerves to the brain. Our ability to detect forms, colours, depth, and movement is due to the way our brains process these data. Our awareness of the environment and our entire sensory experience are greatly enhanced by visual information.

Discover how to make specific dietary choices to support your vision and improve your sensory experience.

In your Third Eye Chakra Membership Course:

Utilise our Third Eye Chakra course to develop your intuitive wisdom and spiritual growth.

  • Emotional: How can I strengthen my intuition and trust my insight  or  inner vision? Discover the strong emotional link between your perception and how it makes you feel. Learn how visual cues can affect cognitive processes and elicit emotions. Nurturing the Third Eye Chakra allows you to awaken your intuitive wisdom and enhance your decision-making abilities to visualise with clarity and be guided toward a successful future.

  • Physical: The sensory system consists of a number of sensory organs and cerebral pathways that communicate sensory data to the brain, enabling us to perceive and comprehend our environment;Learn how to use stress-reduction, mindfulness, and relaxation strategies in conjunction with visual experiences to support both your physical and emotional wellness. Exercice to release tension and improve our receptivity and life spacial awareness-to see the bigger picture.

  • Nutritional: Digital screens generate blue light, which can cause eye fatigue and interfere with sleep cycles. Leafy greens like spinach, kale, and collard greens, as well as yellow and orange fruits and vegetables, contain the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin. It is well known that lutein and zeaxanthin build up in the retina and assist in filtering dangerous high-energy blue light, which can cause macular degeneration and digital eye strain. Dive into the best food to nurture this area of your body.

  • Spiritual: Explore into the world of Psychoactive and Psychedelics* like Psilocybin mushrooms, Ayahuasca, Morning glory seeds and Iboga - containing psychoactive compounds that have been used in spiritual and healing ceremonies throughout history. This guide includes information on organic substances that interact with the chemistry of our brains altering consciousness and said to open the door of profound spiritual experiences. Including silent meditation, reiki energy work, Aromatherapy.

*Always consult with a qualified professional before using any psychoactive or psychedelic substances. It's crucial to be aware of local laws and regulations regarding the use of such substances. Additionally, the effects and experiences can vary greatly among individuals, and they may have potential risks and contraindications.