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Foods Improving Sleep Quality:

Quality sleep is important your brain health, nervous system regulation and performance during the day.

Our diet can also impact how well we sleep and recover during the night- as well as our overall health.

This blog shares how certain foods can improve our sleep quality by either influencing hormone levels at different time during the day, or promoting muscles relaxation. By incorporating these foods into your diet, you can naturally improve your sleep quality.

Magnesium-Rich Foods .

  • Magnesium is an essential mineral promoting muscle relaxation and with calming effect on the nervous system.

Magnesium-rich foods:
Nuts and seeds like almonds, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds.

Leafy Greens like spinach, kale and Swiss chard

Whole Grains like oatmeal, brown rice, and quinoa

Bananas as they are high in both magnesium and potassium

When To Eat?

Morning: Begin your day with a protein rich breakfast also composed of whole grains and leafy greens. A spinach and kale smoothie with oatmeal is a great breakfast idea.

Evening: About an hour before bedtime, eat at a handful of almonds or a banana to help your body preparing for a good night's sleep.

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Tryptophan-Rich Foods.

  • Tryptophan is an amino acid that the body converts into serotonin, a neurotransmitter regulating sleep. Serotonin is a precursor to melatonin, the hormone regulating sleep and wake cycles.

    Foods rich in tryptophan:

    -Turkey and poultry

    -Dairy Products like ilk, cheese and yogurt

    -Nuts and seeds like almonds, sunflower seeds, and pumpkin seeds as they contain tryptophan and magnesium.


    When To Eat?

    Lunch: Eat your yogurt with almonds or a turkey sandwich for lunch to keep serotonin levels stable throughout the day.

    Evening: A glass of warm milk before bedtime has been a grandma remedy for a reason.

    Melatonin-Rich Foods

  • Melatonin is the hormone regulating your sleep/wake cycle. While the body naturally produces melatonin, eating melatonin-rich foods can help you sleep longer and better.

    Melatonin rich foods:

    Cherries: Known as one of the few natural sources of melatonin, cherries

    Grapes: These fruits contain small amounts of melatonin, which helps with sleep regulation.

    Tomatoes: While not as high in melatonin as cherries, tomatoes do contain some melatonin.

    When To Eat?

    Evening: A small bowl of cherries or a glass of tart cherry juice.

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Begin your day with magnesium-rich foods to keep your muscles relaxed and your mind calm, then eat tryptophan-rich foods to boost serotonin levels throughout the day, and finish your evening with melatonin-containing foods to help regulate your sleep-wake cycle.

For those who continue to struggle with sleep, consider looking into other areas such as sleep hygiene and stress management to improve your sleep quality. If your sleep problems persist, speak with your doctor about any concerns you might have.

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