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Spiritual understanding of the List of clean foods in the bible

We often talk about Noah and his ark but often overlook his great-grandfather Enoch; According to the Book of Enoch, back in those days earth was dominated by the Nephilim. Those creatures also called "Watchers were half-human, half-fallen angels, offspring of the angels who had defied divine laws by sharing forbidden knowledge with humanity; They taught people about warfare, weapons, makeup, medicine, surgery Astronomy, Sorcery, magic and meteorology. This ultimately led to chaos and the great flood, designed to wipe out these hybrid creations and restore divine order.

Those events laid a ground for new rules with list of clean and unclean foods in the new testament to serve as guidelines; Israelites have a prescribed diet of what they can or cannot eat, making a distinction between clean and unclean animals in the Book of Leviticus 11:7, attributed to Moses. You might wonder what food the bible say to not eat?

Is the bible true or fiction?

Some say that the Bible's stories are true, others that they are a complete myth.

The bible is a controversial sacred book that keeps on amazing the world through its wisdom and raw poetry with larger than life stories often fascinatingly intertwined with history; The Bible's historicity is not consistent throughout because it was composed and redacted over several centuries, yet the final results remain a masterpiece, or how we would say in modern days, a best-seller.

The bible interpretations and deep desire to explain it, confusing the quest for meaning with the needs for facts, from one religions to another, seem more dangerous than reading the book itself.

Timeline from Creation to the Flood through Early Christianity

  • Genesis: The Bible says that God created the world and people the first humans Adam and Eve.

  • Nephilim: The Nephilim are the descendants of the "sons of God" and "daughters of men," according to a brief mention in Genesis 6.

  • Book of Enoch: Is an old Jewish religious text not featured in the canonical bible but belonging to a greater corpus of writing known as apocryphal *literature (the writings not included in the Bible does not contain). It gives in-depth details of the fallen angels, the Nephilims and the heavenly judgment.

  • Noah's Flood: Noah and his family are spared to repopulate the world while earth is flooded to wipe in clean.

  • Abraham: He creates the covenant with God and is regarded as the patriarch of the Jewish people.

  • Moses: At Mount Sinai, he is given the Law, or Torah, and leads the Israelites out of Egypt.

*The term "apocrypha" comes from the Greek word meaning "hidden" or "secret.

The Book of Enoch has been included in the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church's Bible since at least the 5th century; Although some early church fathers, like Tertullian, saw its value, but because some text deviated from conventional wisdom, it was considered heretical and classified as apocryphal- therefore not accepted as canonical scripture in mainstream Judaism or Christianity because of its contentious views on angels and otherworldly realms.

Some archaeological discoveries, like the Dead Sea Scrolls, contain fragments of the book of Enoch, suggesting its ancient origins and that early Jewish communities read it. Yet no specific claims from the Book of Enoch have been proven in a scientific or historical sense.

what food does bible say to eat?

  • Acceptable Fish: Only aquatic animals with scales and fins are permitted. Steelhead, salmon, and tuna are a few examples

  • Acceptable Meat: All allowed land animals must chew their cud and have split hooves. Goats, sheep, and cows are a few examples.

What animals are forbidden to eat in the bible?

Land animals

To eat animals that do not chew the cud or have split hooves that are not evenly divided, such as pigs, rabbit and horse- is forbidden in the bible according to the book of Leviticus.

Even if they chew the cud, if they do not have a split hoof, bible verse about food not to eat says thay they are ceremonially unclean for you.


Leviticus prohibits eating any animal that lacks both fins and scales, which includes a variety of shellfish, including octopus, squid, shrimp, crab and lobster.


The dietary laws in the Bible were given to the Israelites to guide them physically and spiritually; Those rules seem to carry a deeper symbolic meanings, guiding us not just about food but also aligning with the universe’s spiritual laws. This alignment might mostly be synergic and nutrition based as food is our main body fuel.

Maybe, as some esoteric traditions imply, they also allude to the notion that eating clean is about harmonising with higher spiritual laws, which is a means of preserving spiritual energy in addition to physical purity.

What is interesting is that only about 20% of the ocean has been explored by scientists; we look at sea creatures like the octopus, whose DNA is regarded by many researchers as "alien-like" because of their intricate neurological structure and capacity to modify their own RNA. 33,000 genes more than human coding for proteins.

Almost as if the biggest life mysteries were given away in details, floating under our eyes, from the food we eat to the marine life we barely comprehend; If a flood might have killed all hybrid creatures on earth or in the air, it might have left untouched sea creatures.

Perhaps the food laws found in the Bible were an ancient form of a spiritual science meant to help people raise their vibration and we are only now beginning to understand- or yet to discover more about high frequency diet and energy healing.

What are you thoughts? Are bible stories true? Would you change your diet habits in order to follow a religion guidelines? According to you, is what does the bible say about food we should not eat new testament still valid nowadays ? What information could shed light on the beginnings and future of humanity?

Get in touch to discuss further and for guidance on food for bible study group with a more spiritual approach, complimentary to classic knowledges and meant to deepen your minds, culture and horizons. Discover a high frequency diet with your personalised wellness plan, spiritual guidance and energy balance through chakras alignment.

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