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Adrenal Fatigue, from Stress to Strength: Cortisol Control & Bone Health

What is adrenal health?

Adrenal health refers to the proper functioning of the adrenal glands. The adrenal glands are critical for manufacturing hormones that are necessary for a number of body processes, such as controlling metabolism, stress reactions, maintaining blood pressure, as well as influencing various physiological processes, including those related to bone health. They play a crucial role in bone health because of the hormones they release to regulate bone metabolism & mineral balance: Looking after your bone health also implies regulating stress levels and maintaining healthy adrenal glands.

  • Where Adrenal glands are located? The adrenal glands, located on top of each kidney, are responsible for producing essential hormones that influence various physiological processes, including those related to bone health. Adrenal glands that are working at their best contribute to general health and wellbeing.

  • Which adrenal glands produce cortisol? Cortisol is primarily produced by the outer layer of the adrenal glands, known as the adrenal cortex. The adrenal cortex is responsible for synthesising and releasing various hormones, including cortisol, aldosterone, and sex hormones.

  • What is adrenal fatigue? Also known as "adrenal insufficiency" or "adrenal exhaustion" refers to a list of symptoms brought on by ongoing stress and overstimulation of the adrenal glands : Extended periods of stress can cause the adrenal glands, which are in charge of creating chemicals like cortisol and adrenaline to overproduce hormones in hope to help the body response to stress, yet causing it to become overstimulated. This ongoing stress on the adrenal glands is thought to cause a decline in hormone production over time, especially cortisol, which can cause a variety of symptoms.

The adrenal glands produce hormones such as cortisol, adrenaline and aldosterone, which help the body respond to stress, control inflammation and balance electrolytes.

Why is adrenal health important?

The adrenal glands produce hormones such as cortisol, adrenaline and aldosterone, which help the body respond to stress, control inflammation and balance electrolytes.

  • Cortisol: Cortisol is a steroid hormone that plays a crucial role in regulating several physiological processes in the body, such as metabolism, immune response, and stress response. It is often referred to as the "stress hormone" because its production increases in response to stress and helps the body cope with various stressors. However, cortisol also serves many other essential functions in the body, such as helping to regulate blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

High cortisol levels can contribute to bone loss over time, especially in weight-bearing bones like the spine and hips. High cortisol levels can interfere with the bone-building process, increase bone breakdown and lower bone density over time; making bones more susceptible to fractures and osteoporosis.

  • Aldosterone: The adrenal glands also produce hormones that are involved in calcium regulation, such as aldosterone. Those help regulate the body's fluid and electrolyte balance, including maintaining the balance of calcium in the bloodstream. Imbalances in aldosterone production may affect calcium levels therefore bone health.

    Because these glands' imbalances or dysfunction can cause a number of health problems maintaining good adrenal health is crucial. Adrenal health benefits your overall sense of well-being and finding ways to manage stress can positively influence your decision-making skills, productivity as well as capacity to rest and recharge; Therefore promoting a sense of stability, and grounding beneficial to your root chakra balance.

What are some typical signs of adrenal imbalance?

Fatigue, difficulty sleeping, weight gain or loss, mood fluctuations, digestive issues and a compromised immune system are typical signs of adrenal imbalance. If you have symptoms like persistent exhaustion, trouble managing stress, recurrent illnesses, or changes in mood or appetite, your adrenal health may be compromised. Imbalances or issues in the adrenal glands, which are closely linked to stress and the body's response to external challenges, may be reflected in the root chakra's energy and in your overall sense of stability.

The following are a few of the typical signs of adrenal health issues:

  • Fatigue and insufficient energy

  • Having trouble getting out of bed in the morning

  • Craving salty and sweet meals

  • Difficulty sleeping

  • Fog in the head and trouble focusing

  • Angry or moody behaviour

  • Joint and muscle ache

  • Reduced blood pressure

  • Compromised immune system

  • Reduced libido

Adrenal fatigue vs Addison’s disease: Certain adrenal disorders, such as Cushing's syndrome or Addison's disease, can directly impact bone health. In Cushing's syndrome, excess cortisol can lead to bone loss, while in Addison's disease, decreased production of adrenal hormones may affect calcium regulation and bone density.

How to support adrenal health?

Find below 7 healthy habits to implement to look after your adrenal health, followed by 10 fruits & vegetables beneficial to your adrenal glands, three vitamins essential to adrenal health and 3 herbs to help you fight adrenal fatigue.

  • Balanced Diet: Eat a nutrient-rich diet that includes whole foods, plenty of vegetables, fruits, and healthy fats to support adrenal function. High in calcium, vitamin D, and other minerals to maintain bone health. Healthy fats, lean proteins and a variety of nutrient-dense foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and grains of any kind, should all be included in a diet to support adrenal function. Steer clear of consuming too much processed food, coffee or sugary snacks. See our list below and our PDF Root chakra course focusing on Adrenal health foods.

  • Stress-relieving activities: Use stress-reduction methods like yoga, meditation, deep breathing, or time spent in nature to relax and maintain the health of your adrenal glands. Spend time in nature, walk barefoot on the grass, and make a connection with the earth as part of your grounding exercises; Deep breathing exercises, meditation or mindfulness. Cortisol levels can be lowered and adrenal health can be supported by taking some time to unwind and rest.

  • Regular Exercise: Exercising regularly can help you relax and improve your overall wellbeing. Strength training, jogging and other weight-bearing activities on a regular basis assist preserve bone density and promote general health.

  • Limit Caffeine and Stimulants: Having too much alcohol or coffee might stress the adrenal glands. To protect the health of your adrenals, reduce your intake. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated as being dehydrated can cause additional stress on the body.

  • Prioritise quality sleep: Adequate Rest is one way to provide your adrenal health nightly support in giving yourself time to recover and recharge. Try to get 7-9 hours of good sleep every night. The recuperation of the adrenal glands and general health depend on sleep.

  • Seek Professional Help: If you're feeling overburdened or experience persistent symptoms of adrenal exhaustion, you might want to talk to a naturopath or consult a healthcare professional who specialises in adrenal health and hormone balance.

10 fruits / vegetables to support adrenal health and balance hormone production :

Consume a balanced diet, high in nutrients, rich in vibrant fruits, vegetables and whole grains to energise your adrenal glands and overall general health.

  • Tomatoes: High in lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that supports adrenal function and reduces oxidative stress.

  • Red Bell Peppers: Rich in vitamin C which helps the adrenal glands cortisol production to manage stress.

  • Beets: The betaine and nitrates it contains support blood flow and oxygenation.

  • Strawberries: Packed with vitamin C, manganese, and antioxidants that promote adrenal function.

  • Watermelon: Contains lycopene and amino acids supporting adrenal function.

  • Cherries: Rich in antioxidants, especially anthocyanins, which have anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Cranberries: High in vitamin C and antioxidants, beneficial for adrenal health and immune support.

  • Pomegranates: Contain polyphenols and antioxidants that can reduce oxidative stress on the adrenals.

  • Red Cabbage: Rich in vitamin C and fibre, supporting overall health and adrenal function.

  • Radishes: Provide a good source of vitamin C which are essential for adrenal health and stress management.

In Energy healing, The Root Chakra is often associated with the physical body's foundation, including the skeletal system. This chakra is believed to be the energetic center of grounding  and stability. See our online guide & PDF course for more nutrition & wellness. Look after your bone health and skeletal system, therefore supporting your adrenal health.
  • Three recommended adrenal health vitamins

  • Vitamin C: Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant that supports the adrenal glands and works to reduce stress. Cortisol, the main stress hormone, is produced by it and its release is regulated by it. Citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwis and bell peppers are a few examples of foods high in vitamin C.

  • Pantothenic acid: Often known as vitamin B5, is necessary for adrenal function and aids in the creation of adrenal hormones like cortisol. It is essential for the creation of energy and can sustain the body under stress. In addition to whole grains, avocados, and mushrooms are excellent sources of vitamin B5.

  • Pyridoxine: Often known as vitamin B6, is necessary for the conversion of the amino acid tryptophan into serotonin, a neurotransmitter that helps control mood and the stress response.

3 Herbs to support adrenal health:

Think about including adaptogenic foods like licorice root, rhodiola, or ashwagandha in your diet to get Support from herbs. These herbs can support adrenal function and aid in the body's ability to cope with stress.

  • Ashwagandha: Adaptogenic herb that supports the adrenal glands. May lower cortisol levels, promoting calm and relaxation.

  • Rhodiola Rosea: Adaptogenic herb that can increase energy and assist the body deal with stress. It has been used for a long time to promote overall health and enhance adrenal function.

  • Licorice Root: Anti-inflammatory effects helping to support the adrenal glands. However, licorice root must be used with caution because overdosing on it might have negative side effects.

Keep in mind that sustaining adrenal health is essential for general wellbeing and vigour; therefore, support these key glands by taking proactive measures. It is crucial to approach fatigue and stress symptoms with a thorough assessment by a medical specialist. Similar symptoms can also be caused by other medical ailments, such as thyroid problems, anaemia, sleep problems, and mental health problems, which necessitates a proper diagnosis and course of treatment. Get advice from a licensed healthcare professional if you are struggling with fatigue or stress symptoms. They can do the necessary tests, rule out other possible reasons and suggest appropriate measures to enhance general wellbeing.